
  • 网络group of death
  1. 斯尔维亚上届世界杯和阿根廷,荷兰,科特迪瓦一起被分进了死亡之组。这回的情况也好不哪去。

    Serbia ended up in the " Group of Death " with Argentina , Holland and Ivory Coast in the last World Cup and their task will not be much easier in South Africa .

  2. 卡塔尔、乌兹别克斯坦和阿曼分在同一小组,避开了a组这个@死亡之组@。

    Qatar , Uzbekistan and Oman , thus avoiding Group A , the @ Group of Death @ .

  3. G组不吉利地被称之为“死亡之组”,因为该组共有三支强队。

    The group has been ominously dubbed the " Group of Death " as it has three high quality sides .

  4. 但这还不足以率领他的球队从拥有巴西和葡萄牙的死亡之组突围而出进入第二轮淘汰赛。

    But it was not enough to lead his team to the second round in a very difficult group with Brazil and Portugal .

  5. 我们上次有很多人受伤,还进了死亡之组。所以打得不好。

    We had a problem with injuries last time and were in a difficult group to start with and it just didn 't go well .

  6. 但是当你看看'死亡之组',有荷兰,法国和意大利,你就会觉得自己很幸运了。

    That said , when you look at the'Group of Death ' , with the Netherlands , France and Italy together , you have to think you were lucky .