
  1. 死血,你听见没?

    Blood , do you hear me ?

  2. 8例利多卡因过敏性休克死的血药浓度分析

    Study on blood drug level of 8 Lidocaine anaphylactic deaths

  3. 因为死前血是不会凝结的。

    Because blood doesn 't do that till after you 're dead .

  4. 亲爱的,没有你。我的心会死,血会凝固,灵魂会冰冷。

    Oh , baby , without you , my soul is cold my heart will have died , and my blood is like mold .

  5. 到晚上,王就死了,血从伤处流在车中。

    The blood from his wound ran onto the floor of the chariot , and that evening he died .

  6. 你在休克的第一阶段出汗细脉失去血色你现在要么死撑到血流光

    You 're in the first stages of shock . Sweaty , thready pulse , loss of color . Now , you can either stall until you bleed out ,

  7. 他都死了,血早就抽干了真棒,他们把血放到哪去了

    Dude ! Where did all the blood go ? ! Dude , he 's dead . they suck it all out , dumbass . Awesome . Where do they put it ?

  8. 22:35那日,阵势越战越猛,有人扶王站在车上,抵挡亚兰人。到晚上,王就死了,血从伤处流在车中。

    And the battle increased that day : and the king was stayed up in his chariot against the Syrians , and died at even : and the blood ran out of the wound into the midst of the chariot .