
  1. 艺电的动作恐怖游戏《死亡空间3》(DeadSpace3)登上了2月份最热销视频游戏榜首。

    EA had the top-selling video game in February with its action-horror Title dead space 3 .

  2. 死亡空间信息的激发将会正常显示给不再一个团队中的接受者。

    Dungeon message triggers will display properly if the intended recipient is not in a gang .

  3. 重力区(藏的小行星带)在在死亡空间区域中定位,允许舰船跃迁到重力区的指定点。

    Gravimetric sites ( hidden asteroid belts ) are no longer located within Deadspace zones , allowing ships to warp in to any designated point inside the site .

  4. 氟桂利嗪对脑海马迟发性神经元死亡沙土鼠空间分辨学习能力的影响

    Effect of flunarizine on spatial discrimination learning in gerbils with delayed neuronal death in hippocampus

  5. 探其对迟发性神经元死亡发生后沙土鼠空间分辨学习的影响及对脑海马CA1区神经元的保护作用。

    In the study , we studied the influence in spatial discrimination learning and the protective effect on neurons in CA1 region of hippocampus in gerbils with delayed neuronal death .

  6. 总的来讲,顶芽的死亡使分枝对空间的占据能力和对光能利用的效率有所提高,同时对植株冠型的调整也有重要作用。

    As a whole , the death of apex buds could help branches to improve their spatial occupation ability and energy utilization efficiency , and play an important role in adjusting crown type , and hence , in improving its photosynthesis .