
  • 网络Zuma;zoomer;Luxor HD
  1. 作为一个民众的组织者,祖玛先生名声甚佳。

    Mr Zuma had a solid reputation as a grass roots organiser .

  2. 祖玛珑黑莓&月桂叶是一款女士用的花果香型香水。

    Blackberry & Bay by Jo Malone London is a Floral Fruity fragrance , blackberry and bay leaf .

  3. 我喜欢很多祖玛珑的香水,但我可能不会买这个。留香很一般,而且我喜欢黑莓香气再暖一点点。

    I love a lot of Jo Malone fragrances is very weak , plus I like my blackberry fragrances a bit on the warmer side .

  4. 即使是祖玛新任命的法官——从司法服务委员会(JudicialServiceCommission)提交的名单中选出——也打消了人们对他们会遵照祖玛的命令办事的担忧。

    Even Mr Zuma 's new appointments , selected from a list submitted to him by the Judicial Service Commission , have dispelled fears that they would do his bidding .

  5. 跟我聊过的记者认为,祖玛担心该法案会在宪法法庭(ConstitutionalCourt)受到挑战,这便引出了第二个值得庆贺的理由:

    Journalists I spoke to thought he was wary of the law being challenged in the Constitutional Court , which brings me to the second reason to be cheerful :

  6. 在这个过程中,祖玛更像对执政的南非非国大(anc)委员会负责的首席执行官(ceo),而不是一位总统。

    In the process , Mr Zuma has looked more like a chief executive answerable to the ruling ANC board , than a president .

  7. 他们是:祖玛机器犬(Zoomertherobotdog)、拥抱埃尔默(huggingElmo)和一只能与动物交谈的迪士尼娃娃,他们将角逐最终头衔。

    Zoomer the robot dog , hugging Elmo and a Disney doll that talks to animals are among the contenders for the coveted title .

  8. 祖玛于首都比勒陀利亚宣布了新政策,确保更多患者能接受治疗,其中包括所有HIV阳性、不满周岁的婴儿。

    Speaking in the country 's capital , Pretoria , Zuma announced policies that would see more people treated for HIV , including treatment for all HIV-positive babies under the age of one .

  9. 祖玛在世界艾滋病日发表的演说中提及“新时代的曙光”的来临。在艾滋病问题上,他的态度与前任塔博·姆贝基相比截然不同,后者曾质疑HIV病毒与艾滋病之间的联系。

    On World AIDS Day , Zuma spoke of " the dawn of a new era " in a speech where he took a markedly different approach from his predecessor , Thabo Mbeki , who had questioned the link between HIV and AIDS .

  10. 南非议会反对党议员要求总统雅各布嘠魹(JacobZuma)退还花在其位于恩坎德拉(Nkandla)的私人住宅上的纳税人的钱,而5月祖玛曾对此嗤之以鼻。

    Jacob Zuma , the president , sneered in May at opposition members of parliament who demanded that he pay back taxpayers " funds spent on his private residence at Nkandla .

  11. 南非总统雅各布•祖玛(JacobZuma)内阁的部长沙巴纳(CollinsChabane)周四表示,在调查结束前,他不会对简特杰如何被雇用或他是否将被审查发表评论。

    Collins Chabane , a minister in South African President Jacob Zuma 's cabinet , said on Thursday that he couldn 't comment on how Mr. Jantjie was hired or whether he was vetted until an investigation was complete .

  12. 阿兹特克王国的国王摩特祖玛误以为他们是神明。

    The Aztec king Montezuma mistook them for gods .

  13. 但是祖玛尚未签署该法案。

    But Mr Zuma has not yet signed it .

  14. 媒体人士抨击祖玛及其政府。

    Journalists assail Mr Zuma and his government .

  15. 作为《祖玛》和《植物大战僵尸》这两个游戏的制造商,该公司去年赚了1亿美金。

    The maker of Zuma and Plants Vs Zombies earned $ 100 million last year .

  16. 依祖玛轮舵系修理工程

    The rudder system repair of the

  17. 玩人体冲浪和所有其他东西,那不是在祖玛,那是在雷东多海滩。

    Surfing and all that stuff , it wasn ` t zuma , it was Redondo beach .

  18. 摩特祖玛用巧克拉特来款待他们,那是一种味道苦涩的饮料,也就是现代巧克力的前身。

    Montezuma served them @ chocolate , @ a bitter drink that was the precursor of modern chocolate .

  19. 但是南非总统祖玛政府星期二跟随非洲联盟,宣布承认的黎波里的新政权。

    But Jacob Zuma 's government Tuesday followed the African Union announcement with South African recognition of Tripoli 's new leaders .

  20. 期间,南非总统雅各布•祖玛周三早上抵达三亚,并带来一个巨大的代表团。

    Meanwhile , South African President Jacob Zuma touched down Wednesday morning in Sanya , bringing with him a huge delegation .

  21. 南非现任总统雅克祖玛表示南非失去了他最伟大的儿子,南非人民也失去了一名父亲。

    South African President Jacob Zuma said the nation has lost its greatest son , and our people have lost a father .

  22. 位居其后的是加文•罗斯戴尔和格温•史蒂芬尼的孩子,3岁的祖玛和5岁的金斯顿。

    Following the Beckham 's only girl are Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani 's children , Zuma , three , and Kingston , five .

  23. 马莱玛是一个颇有争议的人物,他的演讲具有煽动性,常常能号召起支持者,他还公开批评现在的总统祖玛。

    Mr Malema is a controversial figure who rouses his supporters with incendiary speeches and is an outspoken critic of Jacob Zuma , the president .

  24. 欧洲人在1519年首次品尝了巧克力,其时蒙提祖玛将该芳香的饮料提供给西班牙探险家科尔特斯和他的军队。

    Europeans got their first taste of chocolate in1519 , when Montezuma offered the spicy drink to Spanish explorer Cort é s and his army .

  25. 南非总统祖玛一年前宣告他的政府向艾滋病毒所作的斗争进入他所说的新时代。

    South Africa 's President Jacob Zuma one year ago announced what he called a new era in his government 's fight against the HIV / AIDS virus .

  26. 按非国大的指示前总统卡莱马?莫特兰特只有靠边站,为祖玛让路,并担任副总统一职。

    The previous president , Kgalema Motlanthe , had stood aside on the ANC 's instruction to make way for Mr Zuma , and has since become deputy president .

  27. 祖玛说,明年会有1500万人作艾滋病毒检验,治疗方案也会扩展而且会启动一个重大的预防艾滋病运动。

    Mr. Zuma said 15 million people would be tested for HIV in the next year , treatment programs would be expanded and a major prevention campaign would be launched .

  28. 耶拉篾兄弟迦勒的长子米沙,是西弗之祖玛利沙的儿子,是希伯仑之祖。

    The sons of Caleb the brother of Jerahmeel : Mesha his firstborn , who was the father of Ziph , and his son Mareshah , who was the father of Hebron .

  29. 尽管去年一位检察官公布的报告建议祖玛返还部分资金,但警方调查称,对祖玛私人住宅进行升级是必要的安全措施。

    Although a report by the public prosecutor last year recommended that Mr Zuma return some of the money , a police investigation said that upgrades at the residence were security necessities .

  30. 虽说非国大仍找不到一个合适的取代者,但争取在12月的党内选举中废除祖玛的职务仍是必要的,尽管大家认为这种结果出现几率不大。

    Although the ANC still has no obvious alternative leader , the party should look to chuck out Mr Zuma when it holds a party election in December , though pollsters consider that unlikely .