
zǔ jū
  • ancestral house
  • have one's ancestral home at;be a native of
祖居 [zǔ jū]
  • (1) [former residence]∶祖宗及后辈一向居住之处

  • 这就我们家的祖居

  • (2) [domicile of origin]∶籍贯

  • 祖居山东

  • (3) [live for generations]∶从祖先起久居

  • 祖居广州,绝少变迁

  1. 格拉德斯通在黑瓦登的祖居。

    Gladstone 's ancestral home at hawarden .

  2. 吉普塞人和犹太人不同,他们没有可以回想起来的已知的祖居地。

    Unlike jews , Gypsies have had no known ancestral land to hark back to .

  3. 她的祖居是中国。

    Her ancestral home is China .

  4. 随着家族的不断扩大,一些成员从祖居地迁居他处,形成新的家族分支,使同一家族的成员分散在不同地域。

    With the expansion of family , some members migrate from one place to another , so a new family was produced . It also causes phenomena that members of one family are scattered all around .