
  1. 凤凰周刊和南方周末报道称这些工作已经通过中国驻外大使馆开始。

    Work has already begun , quietly , via China 's overseas embassies , Phoenix Weekly and Southern Weekly reported .

  2. 官员们挑出了一本日本漫画、一本由一位南京捐赠者捐赠的《时代周刊》及几期香港杂志《凤凰周刊》,翟猛说。

    The officials singled out a Japanese comic book , an issue of Time magazine given by a donor in Nanjing and several copies of the Hong Kong magazine Phoenix Weekly , Mr. Zhai said .

  3. 一切尽在《凤凰周刊•生活》的体育别册。

    All about these are in " Phoenix life magazine " .

  4. 《凤凰周刊·珠宝》的独家原创时尚栏目。

    An original creative fashion column of PHOENIX JEWELRY MAGAZINE .

  5. 选择《凤凰周刊•生活》作为品牌的传播者,一定是明智的选择!

    Please choose Phoenix Lifestyle Magazine to be your media and show your wisdom .

  6. 你我都应该选择,《凤凰周刊•生活》。

    Phoenix Lifestyle Magazine is your best choice .

  7. 《凤凰周刊·珠宝》认为,目前的时代是一个梦想实现速度超过任何以往的时代;

    Phoenix Jewelry Magazine believes that dreams come true today more quickly than ever before .

  8. 更多精彩别册,请关注《凤凰周刊•生活》每期出刊。

    More exciting special issues will come out with Phoenix Lifestyle Magazine , please pay close attention to .

  9. 来到《凤凰周刊•生活》所创造的世界,是不一样的感官享受。

    So please come to the world Phoenix Lifestyle Magazine creates just for you and experience the brand-new enjoyments .

  10. 靓丽的车模,亲身的试驾体验,不一样的汽车介绍尽在《凤凰周刊•生活》。

    Beautiful models , personal drive experience in automobile introduction in " Phoenix Life magazine " will give you a great fresh feeling .

  11. 通过《凤凰周刊·珠宝》传达的声音,代表着积极的新奢华主义,代表着梦想的触手可及,代表着成功的荣耀!

    The information broadcasting via Phoenix Jewelry Magazine carries you a positive new luxury , a coming true dream and a glorious success .

  12. 《凤凰周刊·珠宝》作为智囊型传媒机构,旨在协助广大客户收获品牌、营销策划等高附加值的回报。

    As a brain trust media organization , Phoenix Jewelry Magazine is earnest to assist our clients in brand plan and marketing strategy .

  13. 《凤凰周刊•生活》认为,在现代快节奏的都市里,要做能提供给读者舒适悠闲的时尚读物,可以提供更多个性化的文化生活信息。

    Phoenix Lifestyle Magazine believes that we should be the fashionable magazine to supply our readers some special information about life and culture .

  14. 《凤凰周刊·珠宝》优秀的编辑记者以坚定的创新精神和激情,为中国新兴富裕阶层提供关于新奢华主义最瑰丽的梦想实现途径。

    Our brilliant editorial team offers , with passion and creative spirit , the new affluent generation a way to realize the dreams of new luxury .

  15. 《凤凰周刊·珠宝》以有思想的时尚内容传导新奢华主义的价值观,并以富有冲击力的设计概念符合中国新兴奢侈品消费阶层的审美阅读习惯;

    Phoenix Jewelry Magazine delivers New Luxury value through her thoughtful fashion content and adopts the impressive design style to cater to Chinese emerging luxury consumer group .

  16. 选择《凤凰周刊·珠宝》,选择一个时代。核心期刊评选对农林类科技期刊发展的影响

    Phoenix Jewelry Magazine , the choice of an era . The Influence of Choose of Core Periodical on Journals of Science and Technology about Agriculture and Forestry

  17. 《凤凰周刊•生活》为读者发布最快的潮流资讯,展示最新的潮流产品,使读者可以品位到时尚潮流,引领生活风尚。

    Phoenix lifestyle magazine post the fastest trend information to readers , displaying the latest trend products , so that readers can grade to fashion to lead the life habits .

  18. 因此《凤凰周刊•生活》优秀的编辑记者们以坚定的品牌意识与创意激情迎来2008年,他们坚信《凤凰周刊•生活》杂志是属于我们共同的顶级时尚杂志。

    Therefore our excellent editors and reporters insist on the sense of brand and the passion of innovation in2008.We believe that Phoenix Lifestyle Magazine is one of our best fashion magazine .