
  1. 一种基于死区电压矢量合成的逆变器软件校正方案

    Software Adjustable Solution Based on the Dead Voltage Vector Synthesized for SVPWM Inverter

  2. 针对此问题,本文应用了一种基于电压伏秒面积相等的死区电压时间补偿方法。

    Aiming at solving this problem , this paper gives a compensation method based on the product of voltage and time .

  3. 首先判断电流方向,确定死区电压矢量的电平;其次由给定参考电压矢量确定所需补偿相,并与死区电压矢量合成得到校正后的参考电压矢量。

    First acquire dead-band voltage by judging the currents ' direction , and then confirm the phase to be compensated due to the given reference voltage vector .

  4. 分析了死区电压矢量和定子电流矢量的关系,由此得到一种根据重构电流矢量来补偿定子电压矢量的方法。

    The relationship between the dead-time voltage sector and the stator current sector is analyzed and a method for compensating the stator voltage sector is proposed based on the reconstructed current .

  5. 设置扇形边界死区的电压型PWM整流器直接功率控制

    Direct power control of three-phase boost-type PWM rectifiers with the dead zone of sector borders

  6. 从消除误差电压矢量着手,提出了死区的电压补偿方法,根据SPWM和SVPWM调制方法不同,分别计算出在定子三相静止坐标系和两相静止坐标系内做死区电压补偿的算式。

    A dead-time compensation method based on voltage was proposed also to eliminate error voltage vector , compensation formulas were calculated in 3-phase and 2-phase static reference frame respectively corresponding to SPWM and SVPWM .

  7. 串联谐振逆变器死区对浪涌电压电流的影响

    Impact of the dead time in serial resonant inverter on surge voltage and current

  8. 通过对特定消谐式逆变器换流机理的分析,研究了感性负载时死区对输出电压的影响。

    Based on its operating principle , effect of dead-time on output voltage of inductive load is investigated .

  9. 针对PWM电压型变频器死区时间对输出电压的影响,提出了一种死区时间补偿方案。

    Aimed at the influence on the inverter output voltage caused by the PWM inverter dead-time , one dead time compensation strategy is proposed .

  10. 对于产生的谐波进行了FFT分解,重点分析了死区效应使电源电压波形所产生的谐波分量。

    The obtained harmonics are analyzed by FFT and the hefts of harmonics brought on by dead-time effect of voltage waveform are played emphases on .

  11. 为减小逆变器死区效应引起的电压、电流畸变及电机转矩脉动的影响,提出一种基于空间电压矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)的电压前馈型死区补偿方法。

    To reduce the voltage distortion , current harmonics and torque ripple caused by the dead time effects , a voltage feed-forward dead time compensation method based on SVPWM is presented .

  12. 本文首先介绍在线式UPS的基本原理以及逆变器的SPWM调压方法,研究死区对逆变器输出电压的影响及其补偿方法。

    This dissertation introduces the principle of the on-line UPS , and the SPWM technology for the UPS inverter is also discussed . The effect of blanking time on the output voltage in PWM inverters and the methods to eliminate it is described .

  13. 该文针对永磁同步电机的矢量控制系统,详细分析了空间矢量PWM中死区效应对输出电压的影响,并结合空间矢量图,讨论了输出电压矢量位置与三相电流方向的关系。

    As for a vector control system of a permanent magnet synchronous motor , this paper analyzes the influence of dead-time on output voltage in detail , and discusses the relationship between the position of output voltage vector and the direction of three-phase current in a space vector figure .

  14. 死区效应引起的电压偏差可以等效为一个与电流相为相反的方波。

    The dead-time effect is evaluated by averaging the voltage deviation over a half cycle of the inverter .

  15. 本文在分析死区效应对空间电压矢量调制输出电压影响的基础上,给出了一种对死区效应进行补偿的方案。

    This paper analyzed the influence of the dead-time effect acting on the output voltage of SVPWM inverter , and proposed a solution to dead time compensation .

  16. 在分析死区效应对空间电压矢量调制输出电压影响的基础上,提出死区电压矢量的概念,给出死区电压矢量的求取方法。

    By analyzing the basic influence of the " dead time effect " acting on the output voltage of SVPWM inverter , the concept of the dead time voltage vector is put forward .

  17. 在特定消谐式逆变器中应用无死区控制策略可以消除死区对输出电压的不利影响。

    Applying no-dead-time control strategy in selective harmonic elimination inverter may eliminate bad influence of dead-time on output voltage .

  18. 针对三相逆变电路的死区效应,提出了一种补偿时间的实时计算方法。详细分析了死区效应造成的电压畸变和由此带来的谐波电流。

    As for the dead-time effect of three-phase voltage inverter , this paper proposes a real-time calculation method for compensated time .