
  • 网络Dove;Dauphin;Dauphine;DOLPHIN
  1. 紧随其后的是阿迪达斯(Adidas)、塔吉特(Target)和多芬(Dove)。

    After those came Adidas ( ADDDF ) , Target ( TGT ) , and Dove ( UL ) .

  2. 多芬公司2004年推出的“真正的美”广告将身材正能量运动带入了主流,这则广告让非专业模特穿着内衣上镜,最终在YouTube上收获了6500万次的点击量。

    Dove 's landmark " Real Beauty " campaign , begun in 2004 , took it mainstream , posing non-professionals in their underwear , eventually getting 65 million YouTube views .

  3. 联合利华是全球第二大广告主,每年耗资几十亿英镑,拥有多芬(Dove)、PGTips、Marmite和宝丝(Persil)等众多品牌。

    Unilever is the world 's second-largest advertiser , spending several billion pounds a year and owning brands that range from Dove and PG Tips to Marmite and Persil .

  4. 联合利华(Unilever)护肤市场部副总裁罗布?坎戴里诺(RobCandelino)称,约有一半的男性只用清水洗脸。联合利华是多芬男士+护理(DoveMen+Care)品牌的生产商。

    About half of men wash their face solely with water , says Rob Candelino , vice president of marketing for skin care at Unilever , maker of a Dove Men + Care brand .

  5. 结果:在4min内可完成枸橼酸昔多芬与内标物的分离和测定,该法最低检测浓度为5μg/ml;

    Results : The determination could be completed within 4 min and the minimum concentration of detection was 5 μ g / ml.

  6. 还有些著名音乐家,巴赫、多芬、曼,都是左撇子。

    There are also musicians : bach , beethoven , schumann-all left-handed .

  7. 作为一种副产品,安多芬还能减轻经历的疼痛。

    And , as a byproduct , such endorphins reduce experienced pain .

  8. 毛细管区带电泳法测定枸橼酸昔多芬的含量

    Determination of sildenafil citrate content by capillary zone electrophoresis

  9. 我们在法国人居住区内的多芬街住的时间最长。

    We lived on Dauphine Street in the French Quarter for the longest time .

  10. 此洞穴的入口在多芬·阿尔卑斯山的一个高原上。

    The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine Alps .

  11. 安多芬不仅能给我们舒适感,还能帮助我们减少疼痛感。

    Endorphins not only make us feel good , but they also help reduce pain .

  12. 他还认为昔多芬的作用至少和目前用于治疗时差综合症的退黑激素的作用类似。

    He said sildenafil worked at least as well as melatonin , a jet-lag treatment .

  13. 如果你保持每天让自己多分泌几次安多芬,你会有更多的天然的能量。

    If you keep those endorphins flowing regularly , you 'll have more natural energy .

  14. 昔多芬的新合成方法

    A New Synthesis of Sildenafil

  15. 她的丈夫是克里斯多芬。瑞夫,他从马上摔下来,折断了脖子。

    Her husband was Christopher reeve , the actor who was thrown from a horse and broke his neck .

  16. 多芬诺安全技术也将被百通公司的工业网络和自动化产品,包括嵌入式产品采用。

    Tofino Security technology also will be incorporated into Belden 's industrial networking and automation products , including embedded products .

  17. 音乐、运动、绘画或书法,都可以促进安多芬的分泌,产生畅快的感觉。

    Music , sports , drawing , and calligraphy can enhance our secretion of endorphin and make us feel good .

  18. 平时多笑一笑,这会让你的大脑分泌更多的安多芬&一种能使你感觉愉快的化学物质。

    Laughter also increases the release of endorphins , compounds that give you a sense of well-being , in your brain .

  19. 在这项研究中,研究者在调整仓鼠所处环境的白昼规律前,给其小剂量的昔多芬。

    In the study , researchers administered small doses of sildenafil to hamsters before adjusting the cycles of light and dark they lived in .

  20. 时差综合症的试验需要实验室模拟,但是我们也需要“真实的事情”。也就是说我们需要研究昔多芬对于长期空中旅行(的人)的药效。

    Jet-lag trials might involve laboratory simulations , but we also need'the real thing , 'which means testing pharmacological treatments on long-haul air travel .

  21. 当身体受到外界触碰的时候,皮肤的感受器就会向大脑发出信息,令大脑释放安多芬等的化学物质。

    When the body is touched , receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins .

  22. 皮肤保养大法:用不含肥皂成分的清洁品洗脸(如多芬清凉润肤泡沫洁面乳),然后涂上润肤露保湿。

    Skin solution : Wash up with a soap-free cleanser like Dove Cool Moisture Foaming Facial Cleanser and then apply moisturizer to damp skin .

  23. 波尔曼先生希望联合利华减少产品品种开发,但产品批量商业化须更快例如公司最新投放市场的多芬女用抑制毛发生长清香剂。

    Mr Polman wants Unilever to develop fewer products , but to commercialise them faster such as its newly launched dove hair growth-minimising deodorant for women .

  24. 发起此项调查的多芬日用品公司的一名发言人称:对现代男性来说,刮胡子变得越来越重要。

    A spokesperson for Dove Men + Care , who commissioned the research , said : ' Grooming has become increasingly important to the modern man .

  25. 环境的改变会使你有所改观,而且外面也有其他对你有益的东西比如阳光和还有能改善你情绪的安多芬。

    The change of scene will do you good and there will be other benefits such as sunlight and endorphins that will help improve your mood .

  26. 昔多芬可以提高绝经前1型糖尿病合并性唤起障碍患者的性功能:一项双盲、交叉、安慰剂对照的预试验

    Sildenafil improves sexual functioning in premenopausal women with type 1 diabetes who are affected by sexual arousal disorder : a double-blind , crossover , placebo-controlled pilot study

  27. 他提及一名喜剧诗人,没错,一名喜剧诗人,且是毫不含糊的,提及喜剧作家亚里斯多芬尼斯,我也有把他的名字写在黑板上。

    Reference he makes to a comic poet yes a comic poet an unequivocal reference to the playwright Aristophanes whose name I have put up on the board .

  28. 在得知全世界只有2%的女性对自己的相貌感到满意后,多芬于2004年开展了第一个天生美人的活动。

    Dove began the first Campaign for Real Beauty in 2004 , after conducting a survey that showed only two percent of women worldwide would describe themselves as beautiful .

  29. 这项由多芬护肤品公司开展的调查发现,男性每周花4.7个小时干家务,1.5个小时做一些水管电工活,6.9个小时照看孩子。

    The research by Dove , the beauty brand , found men spend 4.7 hours a week on housework as well as 1.5 hours on DIY and 6.9 hours on childcare .

  30. 霍普金斯证实,应用小鼠种植结肠癌和乳腺癌细胞的模型,和未治疗组相比,昔多芬治疗组的肿瘤体积减小了2-3倍。

    Tests at Hopkins on mice with implanted colon and breast tumors showed that tumor size decreased two-and threefold in sildenafil-treated animals , compared to mice that did not get the drug .