
zhì mìnɡ jì liànɡ
  • Lethal dose;1ethal amount
  1. 她服了致命剂量的毒药死了。

    She took a lethal amount of poison and died .

  2. 研究人员给老鼠注射了致命剂量的流感病毒,从而测试合成抗体的药效。

    It was tested on mice , which were given deadly doses of influenza .

  3. A.“致命剂量的中微子辐射”这一说法很奇怪,我脑子转了好几圈才反应过来。

    A. THE PHRASE " LETHAL DOSE of neutrino radiation " is a weird one . I had to turn it over in my head a few times afterI heard it .

  4. 伺机而动,然后一鼓作气注入致命剂量。

    Bided his time , then upped the strength to a fatal dose .

  5. 我是不是要潜到水底才会受到致命剂量的辐射?

    Would I need to dive to actually experience a fatal amount of radiation ?

  6. 这么说是故意使用致命剂量的?

    So it was intended to be lethal ?

  7. 这位验尸官证实,杰克逊的体内含有致命剂量的强力麻醉药异丙酚。

    The coroner confirmed Jackson had lethal levels of the powerful anaesthetic propofol in his body .

  8. 致命剂量的辐射量约为4西弗。利用平方反比律,我们可以计算出辐射剂量:

    A fatal radiation dose is about 4 sieverts.Using the inverse-square law , we can calculate the radiation dose :

  9. 迈克尔·杰克逊医生的律师表示,将收回杰克逊自己服下致命剂量麻醉药物的说法。

    Lawyers representing Michael Jackson 's doctor say they are dropping their claim that the singer caused his own death .

  10. 这就是为什么“致命剂量的中微子辐射”听起来很怪异——它把风马牛不相及的数量级混在了一起。

    That 's why the phrase " lethal dose ofneutrino radiation " sounds weird-it mixes scales in an incongruous way .

  11. 检察官说,他犯有严重过失,给杰克逊开出了致命剂量的异丙酚镇静剂导致2009年6月杰克逊的死亡。

    Prosecutors said he acted with gross negligence and gave Jackson a lethal dose of the sedative propofol that caused his death in June 2009 .

  12. 迈克尔·杰克逊死于致命剂量的麻醉剂。在洛杉矶,陪审团基于医学诊断对杰克逊的私人一声康拉德·默里医生做出了审判。

    Michael Jackson was killed with a lethal dose of anaesthetic by his personal physician Dr Conrad Murray , a jury has decided at the doctor 's trial in Los Angeles .

  13. 致命中微子Q.一个人要离超新星多近才能受到致命剂量的中微子辐射?

    LETHAL NEUTRINOS Q. How close would you have to be to asupernova to get a lethal dose of neutrino radiation ?