
  • 网络Monitoring frequency;IUPR
  1. 二氧化硫的变化规律及监测频率代表性的验证

    Change of so_2 in air and analysis for its monitoring frequency

  2. 采用时间序列分析方法确定了地下水水位监测频率。

    The sampling frequency was determined using time series analysis .

  3. 但监测频率要更为密集,才能保证结果的准确性。

    But only the frequency of monitoring is more coarctation , can we assure the veracity of forecasting result .

  4. 全市个体医疗机构的压力蒸汽灭菌器监测频率为每单位每年0.71次;

    The frequency of monitoring autoclave in private medical institutions throughout the city was 0.71 times per unit annually .

  5. 建议加强环保执法力度和监测频率。

    It is suggested that the execution of environmental protection be strengthened and the frequency of supervision be increased .

  6. 并根据时间序列分析和统计检验提供的定量标准优化了地下水水位监测频率。

    In addition , the sampling frequency of monitoring groundwater level was optimized by using time series analysis and statistical test .

  7. 通过对地下水水位多年变化趋势的分析确定了手测监测频率。

    The sampling frequency was determined based on the time series analysis and statistical test of historical groundwater level time series .

  8. 选用站网中信息熵值最大和最小的站点分别进行监测频率优化实验。

    The experiment choice the sites which has the maximum and minimum information entropy from the network to carry on the frequency optimization research respectively .

  9. 结论,北京市个体医疗机构压力蒸汽灭菌器配备量不足,压力蒸汽灭菌器监测频率及其合格率偏低;

    Conclusion : The private medical institutions in Beijing were insufficiently equipped with autoclaves . The frequency of monitoring and eligible rate of the autoclaves were low .

  10. 通过对地下水水位时间序列分析,我们可以判定1次/月的监测频率是合适的。它能充分估计到监测区域的趋势、周期波动以及均值。

    Time series analysis of groundwater levels from observation wells selected from the database suggested a sampling frequency of one measurements per month at least is suitable for estimation of trend , seasonal fluctuation and mean of groundwater time series in Urumqi river area .

  11. 通过拟合计算可以对石家庄地区的地下水动态的监测频率进行优化,满足对地下水水位动态观测数据的需要;并得出地下水水位动态的时间序列模型,以达到预测的目的。

    Through the calculation and analysis , we can optimize the frequency of monitoring groundwater dynamic , to meet the dynamic observation needs of the groundwater level data , and we can get groundwater dynamic time series model to achieve the purpose of forecasting .

  12. 介绍了采用光谱吸收法实时监测重复频率XeF(C-A)蓝绿激光器中XeF2气体浓度的原理和控制XeF2气体浓度的方法;

    The principle of real time measurement XeF_2 concentration by absorbed spectrum and XeF_2 concentration control means in laser chamber are introduced .

  13. 方法:选择40例妇科和普外科腹腔镜手术患者,行连续硬膜外麻醉效果确切后,于气腹前和气腹后20min分别监测呼吸频率及血气分析。

    Methods : Forty patients performed gynecological and general laparoscopic operation were monitored the respiratory rate and blood gas before aeroperitonia and 20 minutes after aeroperitonia after effective epidural anesthesia .

  14. 腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展的在线监测及频率影响

    On-line Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Monitoring and the Effect of Frequency

  15. 水质常规监测采样频率确定方法研究

    Method for determination of sampling frequency of routine monitoring of water quality

  16. 熵法估参在环境监测数据频率分析中的应用

    The Application of Entropy to Estimate the Parameters for Frequency Analysis of Environmental Monitoring Data

  17. 撤除放射源后,监测了频率恢复过程,其速度与累积剂量有关。

    After the radiant source has been removed , restoration of frequency is observed , with a rate depending on the integral dose .

  18. 相关分析显示:病程长、合并腹型肥胖、家庭收入低、监测血糖频率低与血糖控制不良有关。

    Correlation analysis demonstrated that long disease course , abdominal obesity , low family incomes and low frequency of blood glucose monitoring were related to poor control of blood glucose .

  19. DAQ设备可以更容易监测好采样频率为600Hz的信号。

    The DAQ device can then breathe easier and sample at only , say , 600 Hz .

  20. 电磁频谱监测对于无线电频率管理、电子对抗等领域具有重要意义。

    Radio monitoring plays an important role on radio frequency management and electronic countermeasure .

  21. 过电压监测中电网频率微变检测方法

    Grid Frequency Micro-Variation Detection Method in Overvoltage Monitoring

  22. 利用多传感器对切削力和振动信号进行监测,通过频率变换提取切削力特征量,采用小波包分解技术提取振动信号特征量。

    Signals of cutting force and vibration are measured with multi-sensor and features in frequency domain and time-frequency domain are extracted by using wavelet package decomposition .

  23. 提出将互相关检测和混沌理论相结合应用于过电压监测中的频率跟踪,检测相对于中心频率极小的微弱信号。

    The method which combines cross correlation detection with chaos theory to detect the weak signals relative to central frequency in overvoltage monitoring is proposed in the paper .

  24. 本文介绍的监护仪用彩色密度谱阵列图来监测脑电频率的变化趋势。

    The EEG monitor described in this paper is concerned with the monitoring of the trend of frequency in EEG with a new method termed color density spectral array ( CDSA ) .

  25. 民众对空气污染的愤怒,促使政府加快了发布空气质量监测数据的频率,并可能促使环境监管机构关停有势力排污企业的力度增强。

    Public anger over air pollution has spurred the government to speed up the release of air monitoring data , and could strengthen the hand of environmental regulators in shutting down powerful polluters .

  26. 通过对21家有代表性的废水污染源进行现场采样、排放曲线分析、采样频率优化的研究,确定总量监测中采样频率优化结果,为污染源总量控制监测提供技术指导。

    The paper confirms sampling frequency optimization of total amount monitoring of pollutant , adopting spot sampling , analysis of discharge curve and research of sampling frequency optimization with 21 typical wastewater sources . That offers technology guidance for total amount control monitoring of pollutant .

  27. 光纤干涉法监测He-Ne激光器的频率漂移

    The measurement of frequency-shift of He-Ne laser by means of an optical fiber interferometer

  28. 结构健康监测系统中的频率响应方法

    Frequency response method in structure health monitoring system

  29. 超低噪音光纤麦克风设计用于监测在选定的频率带宽内非常微弱的信号。

    Ultra low noise fiber optical microphone designed for monitoring very weak sound signals in selected frequency bandwidths .

  30. 确定了监测因子、监测频率、如何布点、敏感点确定原则、在比较各监测分析方法的基础上提出最佳实验室监测分析方法。

    Proposes the best laboratory monitoring and analytical methods on the basis of analyzing other monitoring analytical methods .