
  1. 论监狱的功能&以监狱的社会属性为研究视角

    On the functions of Prison

  2. 监狱预防犯罪功能包括一般预防功能和特殊预防功能。

    Prison preventive features include the general prevention and special prevention .

  3. 论我国监狱劳动改造功能的再定位

    On the Function Re-orientation of the Reform-by-labors in Chinese Prisons

  4. 我国监狱预防犯罪功能的缺失与完善

    The Missing and Improvement of the Crime Preventive Function of Our Country 's Prison

  5. 然后将此算法结合实际的监狱安全防范功能,设计并实现了最终的应用系统。

    And then this algorithm combines the actual prison security function design and Realization of the final application system .

  6. 然而长期以来,监狱资金问题一直困扰着监狱本质功能的充分实现,个别地方还因为监狱资金保障不力引发了一些较为严重的执法问题。

    For a long time , the question has been trouble the function because of the lack of guarantee about prison funds , and some local cause serious issues of executed the law .

  7. 通过定义公共受托责任理论下的监狱概念,阐述监狱资金、监狱资金特征,以及监狱资金与监狱本质功能实现的关系,论证监狱资金应由国家财力全额保障。

    By defining prison concept under public accountability theory , elaborating prison funds , character of prison funds and relationship between prison funds and the essential function of prison that further proves prison funds should be safeguarded by government finance .

  8. 但由于监狱体制、监狱工作的特殊性以及民警传统观念等的影响,制约了现代传媒助推监狱环境建设功能的发挥。

    The particularity of the prison work and system , as well as the traditional idea , restrict the function .