
niǎo yuán
  • aviary
  1. 厦门鼓浪屿百鸟园的植物配置

    The disposition of plants in the Birds Garden of Gulang Island in Xiamen

  2. 点缀在金牛山间的生物馆、百鸟园、白鹭林、金龟探海、金鱼吸水等“金牛美景”。

    Scene Spots in Jinniu Mountain : Biology Pavilion , Bird Park , Turtle Diving Sea and Egret Forest .

  3. 目前该区已建立生态型鸟园,放养丹顶鹤等珍稀鸟类40余种近千只;

    At present , an ecological bird 's world was built breeding about a thousand precious birds of 40 species such as red-crowned crane .

  4. 两栖&爬行动物馆、海兽馆、热带猴馆、鸟园等新型建筑将平地而起,以新的容貌迎接中外宾客。

    The amphibian & reptile hall , the marine animal hall , the tropic monkey hall , the bird garden are to be built on the flat ground , and the Garden will welcome Chinese and foreign guests with new looks .