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niǎo wén
  • bird pattern;pheasant-like bird of ancient bronze design
  1. 新石器时期的原始社会彩陶上描绘的一些鸟纹,就是凤的形象的雏形。

    The bird patterns drawed on the ancient potteries of the New Stone Age are the origin figures of the phoenix .

  2. 各区域文化由于自身文化内涵不同,所常表现的鸟纹玉器的方式也不同。

    Regional culture because of its own culture connotation is different , often by the performance of the grain of jade bird different ways .

  3. 通过资料收集总结发现鸟纹玉器的数量占有新石器时代众多动物形纹饰玉器中较大比例。

    Through the material collecting summary found that the number of jade bird grain occupies the neolithic age many animal form the jade wares larger proportion .

  4. 鸟纹及大量的鸟形器,其与圆圈纹、神人纹的密切关系,亦表明其是对太阳鸟的模拟。

    Pattern of bird and a large bird-shaped device , with the circle pattern , the close relationship between patterns of God , also indicated that his is a simulation of the sun birds .

  5. 以期对新石器时代鸟纹玉器拥有普遍而直观的认识,并能找寻出鸟纹玉器在各区域文化中所体现的内在规律性。

    In order to the neolithic age common characteristic of jade bird lines have the direct-viewing understanding , and can find bird lines at regional culture jade are embodied in the universality of its internal rules .

  6. 楚公■钟侧鼓的鸟纹均为翘尾,与同时期甬钟上流行的垂尾鸟纹不同。

    The phoenix pattern at the side of beu of drum of Duke Chu has a character of cocking up tail , which is different with the pattern with fin tail on Yong bell at the same time .

  7. 鸟啄鱼纹在后世亦有继承和发展,它在远古的确切意义仍有待考证。

    " Bird peck fish " line has developed , but its ancient meaning is still further to be surveyed .

  8. 中国远古彩陶艺术丰富的纹样中,鸟啄鱼纹特殊而有趣。

    Ancient Chinese ceramics have a verity of lines in which " bird peck fish " line is special and interesting .