
In Y-maze test , the number of electric shocks of either high or low level lead controls was significantly increased compared to the blank control ( P0.01 );
Mitsubishi said last week it had overstated fuel efficiency by up to 10per cent on four types of small cars sold in Japan , covering more than 600000vehicles .
A couple of years ago , alarmed by annual turnover rates in some divisions as high as 20 % , HP decided to try anticipating which of its 330,000 employees worldwide were most likely to quit .
When pH value is below 7 , the removal rate of As (ⅲ) was over 80 % , a small infect both of pH and initial concentration .
In the UK , the most admired man is David Attenborough , with an admiration score of 16.6 per cent , whereas the most admired woman is Queen Elizabeth II , with a score of 19.6 per cent .