首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我和小慧是朋友。

    Xiao Hui and I are friends .

  2. 他们都叫我小慧。

    Everyone calls me Xiao hui .

  3. 祝福小慧在天堂也快快乐乐,来生做个健康快乐的人。

    Xiaohui , a strong and lovely girl , must now become an angel living happily and healthily in heaven .

  4. 在对知与道的认识方面,重视普通知识的现实积极的作用,强调学习的必要性,但主张大智反对小慧。

    As regard to the knowledge and the Tao , Huai-nan Zi emphasizes the active action of knowledge and the necessity of learning , meanwhile , it holds " Great wisdom " and opposes " pretty wisdom " .