
  1. 小攻角下轴对称细长体的充气肩空泡试验研究

    Water Tunnel Investigation on Ventilated Cavitation for Slender Body at Small Angles of Attack

  2. 小攻角下翼型边界层分离对数值模拟结果的影响研究

    Influence of boundary-layer separation of aerofoil under small angle of attack on the numerical simulation

  3. 研究指出:小攻角下对称流态是结构稳定的,当攻角增大并超过某一临界攻角时,对称流态变得结构不稳定,从而演变为结构稳定的非对称定常解。

    The study documents that the steady symmetric solution is structure stable at low incidence .

  4. 实验数据显示:增加肋条后,小攻角情况下阻力系数增大,大攻角时阻力系数减小。

    Riblets make the drag coefficient increase at small angles of attack , while reduce at higher angles .

  5. 小攻角水翼空泡流瞬态与周期现象试验

    Experimental Study on Transient and Periodic Phenomena of Cavitating Flow for a Hydrofoil at Small Angle of Attack

  6. 小攻角时,面外力和面外力矩主要是马格努斯力和马格努斯力矩。

    The out-of-plane force and out-of-plane moment is mostly the Magnus force and Magnus moment at small angles of attack .

  7. 失调角量值不大,小攻角时为负值,大攻角时为正值;

    The value of the misalignment angle is small , and it 's negative at a small attack angle and positive at a large attack angle .

  8. 小攻角下,升力系数和俯仰力矩系数的真实气体计算值高于完全气体计算值,大攻角情形则相反。

    At small angle-of-attack , both lift and drag coefficients for real gas are higher than that for perfect gas , but the large angle-of-attack case is contrary .

  9. 此外,小攻角时真实气体效应产生小低头力矩,而大攻角时产生小抬头力矩。

    Moreover , the effect of real gas for small angle-of-attack case results in small downward force moment , whereas that for large angle-of-attack case results in small upward force moment .

  10. 单就舵面而言,真实气体效应使其阻力系数增大,使其升力系数和俯仰力矩系数在小攻角且非负舵偏角时变小,在大攻角且负舵偏角时变大。

    As concerning the rudder , the effect of real gas makes drag coefficient large , and both lift and pitching moment coefficients small for the case of small angle-of-attack and nonnegative rudder yaw-angle and large for the case of large angle-of-attack and negative rudder yaw-angle .