
xiǎo shānɡ pǐn shì chǎnɡ
  • fancy fair
  1. 武汉市小商品市场发展与管理创新问题

    On the Development and Management Innovation of Petty Commodity Markets in Wuhan

  2. 而他们都有一个共同的目标:义乌小商品市场。

    And they have a common goal : Yiwu small commodity market .

  3. 玲琅满目的小商品市场。

    Market of small commodities sells all sorts goods .

  4. 义乌小商品市场成功因素探讨及推广价值研究

    Successful Essentials of Yiwu Small Commodity Market Study and the Utility Value Research

  5. 在诸多学者对专业市场发展前景的质疑声中,近三十年来,义乌小商品市场一直显示着蓬勃的发展趋势。

    Yiwu specialized market has been prospering in the past thirty years despite different queries arisen by many scholars .

  6. 石家庄正定国际小商品市场设计积极化策略与设计对策研究

    A Study on the Active Strategies and the Countermeasures in Designing Shi Jia Zhuang ZhengDing International Market of Small Commodities

  7. 05年暑期义乌小商品市场为业主进行翻译,与外商进行贸易。

    Translator , summer Quarter 2005 , YiWu Smallware market , do some translate works for owner to achieve trade .

  8. 论电子商务与专业市场的转型、提升&基于义乌小商品市场的实地调查与问卷分析

    On E-commerce and Specialized Market in Transition and Upgrade Based on On-site Investigation and Analysis of Questionnaires in YIWU Commodity Market

  9. 市场翻译需求和翻译质量调查&以中国义乌国际小商品市场为例

    An Investigation into Need for and Quality of Translation and Interpretation in Market : A Case Study of China Yiwu International Commodities Market

  10. 要看你开什么店了,服装的话四季青,饰品的话小商品市场了等等。

    Depends on what you drive stores , and clothing , then holly leaf , ornament , if commodity markets and so forth .

  11. 武汉市小商品市场发展目前主要存在市场规模结构不合理、重复建设、缺乏本地产业支撑与拉动等问题。

    This paper discusses some problems such as irrational market structure , duplicate construction , lacking of the support by local industry in Wuhan .

  12. 远近闻名的小商品市场,品种多,价格廉,批发零售皆可。

    The Bazaar is known far and near for handling a great variety of small commodities at low prices . It conducts Both wholesale and retail Business .

  13. 笔者通过对义乌小商品市场的总体分析,暨希望能为批发市场在新形势下做出总结、提出建议;

    Through the total analysis on the small commodity market in Yiwu , people can summarize and put forward some new suggestion for the wholesale market under the new situation ;

  14. 流通渠道单一,主要是摊档式的小商品市场及农贸市场,服装企业只要能够生产出产品,拿到市场上就不愁销。

    Single distribution channels , primarily commodity-style market stalls and farmers market , as long as the garment enterprises to produce products and get the market to worry about sales .

  15. 义乌小商品市场是我国批发市场的排头兵,浙江省唯一的商品市场类上市企业。

    The small commodity market in Yiwu is a file leader of the wholesale market in our country , which is the only commodity market enterprise of Zhejiang Province issuing stock in stock market .

  16. 浙江省第十个《五年计划纲要》提出把现代物流业作为服务业发展的重点,义乌凭借小商品市场,其物流地位非比寻常。

    The tenth " Five Years Plan Outline " of Zhejiang province emphasizes the logistics as the development trend of service trade . The logistics of Yiwu city is very important for its ware market .

  17. 最后,论文对当前义乌小商品市场面临的新背景作了分析并指出义乌市政府今后在发展市场方面的规制重点。

    At the end of the paper , analyses on the new backgrounds of the development of Yiwu Small Commodity Market are made , and the emphasis of regulation of market by Yiwu local government are discussed .

  18. 本文通过剖析义乌小商品市场产生、发展壮大的历程,运用产权、交易成本和政府规制的有关理论,具体分析了义乌市政府在培育市场方面的种种富有创新性的做法。

    This paper , applying modern theories of property rights , transaction costs and government regulation , analyses the course of the formation and development and the innovative measures taken by Yiwu local government to cultivate the market .

  19. 第三章运用PEST分析模型,详细分析大胡同小商品批发市场的外部环境。

    Chapter 3 : By PEST analysis model , the thesis analysis Market external environment in detail .

  20. 义乌小商品批发市场建筑设计发展研究

    Research on Development of Architectural Design of Yiwu Commodity Wholesale Market

  21. 太原某小商品批发市场地基加固浅析

    Analysis on the Foundation Reinforcement of a Small Commodity Wholesale Market in Taiyuan City

  22. 周围的国际小商品批发市场、家具及商品交易市场,具有丰富货源。

    Around the International Commodity Market , furniture and commodities trading market , with rich sources .

  23. 五金批发市场、小商品批发市场、灯饰市场、石材市场、纺织品市场等。

    Project content : Wholesale markets of hardware , wholesale market of commodity , lighting market , stone market , the textile market .

  24. 义乌作为全球最大的小商品批发市场,是浦江水晶产业开拓国内外市场最重要的贸易中转站。

    As the biggest commodity wholesale market in the world , Yiwu is the most important distribution center for the crystal industry in Pujiang .

  25. 同时,规划设计人员也因为对小商品批发市场的规划选址,缺乏科学依据和评价标准(如用地规模、建筑总量、就业人数、交通条件等)。

    Also , planners are lack of basic data of planning and architectural design and evaluation criteria ( such as land size , construction aggregate , employment , transportation , etc. ) .

  26. 这座复杂的建筑被联合国宣布为世界上最大的小商品批发市场,它的运作规模比得上城市规划,被划分为五个不同的区域。

    The complex was declared by the UN to be the largest small commodity wholesale market in the world and the scale of the operation necessitates a kind of urban plan , with this festival of commerce organised into five different districts .

  27. 这座复杂的建筑被联合国宣布为“世界上最大的小商品批发市场”,它的运作规模比得上城市规划,被划分为五个不同的区域。

    Photograph : China Daily / Reuters The complex was declared by the UN to be the " largest small commodity wholesale market in the world " and the scale of the operation necessitates a kind of urban plan , with this festival of commerce organised into five different districts .

  28. 小商品,大市场,区域经济各显神通。

    Large market with small commodity is the blue-chip feature of its regional economy .

  29. 作为全国文明遐迩的市场大省,浙江以小商品、大市场、小摊户、大网络为特点的专业市场的发展,是民营经济发展皇冠上一颗璀璨的明珠。

    The growth of specialized market which is characterized as " small commodities , large market ; little shops , big network " is the most shinning pearl on the crown of Zhejiang private economy without any doubt .

  30. 处于义乌小商品城宾王纺织品市场。

    Is in righteousness Ukraine small commodity city guest king textile market .