
  1. 关于点连式调速系统中设置小顶群必要性的探讨

    Exploration on Necessity for Layout of Small Group of Retarder in Point and Continuous Speed Control System

  2. 点连式调速系统中打靶区末端为什么要设置小顶群

    Why Installing Small Group of Retarder at the End of Target Area in Point and Continuous Speed Control System

  3. 通过各种车辆在有无小顶群情况下走行状态及停车位置的分析,探讨了在点连式调速系统中,小顶群存在的心要性。

    Through analyzing the rolling condition and stopping position for various wagons under the small group of retarder existed or without that , this paper discusses the necessity in exist for layout of small group of retarder in point and continuous speed control system .

  4. 小千斤顶顶升法更换连续梁桥支座

    Replacing the Bearing of Continuous Beam Bridge by Using Small Jack

  5. 钱德勒-帕森斯也将以一份稍小的顶薪合同加盟灰熊,和康利并肩作战。这已经是这支以成本控制著称的球队去年以来开出的第三份顶薪合同了。

    Chandler Parsons will join Conley in Memphis on another , smaller max deal - the third max that this notoriously cost-conscious organization has agreed to in the past year or so .

  6. 从机械设计、电气控制、液压传动等方面阐述CNC蛇形管弯管机(小R、顶镦)的优异性能。

    This treatise introduces some great advantages of the CNC snake-shaped tube bending machine in its engineering design , its electric controlling system , its hydraulic servo system and so on .

  7. 她把小树丛的顶梢都剪去了。

    She shaved off the top branches of that bush .

  8. 小钟炉顶&新型高炉炉顶装料设备再探

    Small Bell Top-The Approach of New Charging Appliance of Blast Furnace Top

  9. 一种小卫星过顶预报算法

    A Forecast Algorithm of Covering Time for Micro - Satellite

  10. 高炉小钟炉顶装料设备初探

    Small bell charging system for blast furnace

  11. 小塞内顶由中盖或连筋中盖组成。

    The small piston inner top comprises a center cover or a connected center cover .

  12. 在精细地层对比的基础上,研究了各个小层的顶面构造,表现为向西倾斜的单斜构造,局部发育多个鼻状隆起。

    Based on fine stratigraphic correlation , the top surface structure of each layer is the monoclinic , inclining to the west , with multiple nose-shaped uplift growth partly .

  13. 这里的理论分析表明,在相邻拱片之间可能产生相当大的纵向剪力,它可能是在一些建成的曲双拱桥的小拱波顶上出现纵向裂缝的主要原因。

    The theoretical analysis shows that large longitudinal shears can be produced between the neighbouring arches , which may be the main cause of the tangential cracks in some existing arch bridges .

  14. 结果表明,在不考虑土的剪胀性条件下,单桩的沉降主要是瞬时沉降,土体固结的影响很小,桩顶荷载主要以剪应力形式传递到桩侧土体中。

    The major part of the final settlement of a single pile is immediate settlement , and occurs on application of the load because the load is transferred to the soil essentially by shear .

  15. 小层砂顶微构造整体趋势为西倾单斜,平面上呈鼻槽组合,各小层砂顶微构造呈现一定的继承性及差异性。

    The overall trend of small layer sand top micro-structure presents west-dipping monocline , and presents nose slot combination on the plane . Sand top micro structure of the small layer presents certain inheritance and difference .

  16. 在这两个幸福无边、娇艳夺目的小宝贝的顶上,立着那个高阔的车架,黑锈满身,形相丑陋,满是纵横交错、张牙舞爪的曲线和棱角,好比野人洞口的门拱。

    Above and around these two delicate heads , all made of happiness and steeped in light , the gigantic fore-carriage , black with rust , almost terrible , all entangled in curves and wild angles , rose in a vault , like the entrance of a cavern .

  17. 七顶小的,八顶小的,九顶漂亮的小帽子。

    Seven lit-tle , eight lit-tle , nine lit-tle nice hats .

  18. 小直径金属丝顶锻试验器的研制

    Development on the Implement for Cold Heading Test of Thin Steel Wire

  19. 她看到这小男孩在树顶时,她真替他担心。

    She feared for the little boy when she saw him at the top of the tree .

  20. 这侧面小火焰已经见顶了在炉内的差距减半的耐火材料。

    That little flame on the side is peaking out a gap in the furnace halve 's refractory .

  21. 细高齿齿轮是一种与标准渐开线齿轮相比,采用小模数、大齿顶高系数使齿形变瘦变高的齿轮,因此采用细高齿齿轮是目前实现高强度、低噪声的齿轮变速箱的有效途径。

    Comparing to involute gear , the fine-pitch gear is one of small modulus and large addendum coefficient to make the gear tooth thinner and higher .

  22. 同时讨论了我国的大压机、小压机及两面顶压机现状;国际上大颗粒单晶研究方向。

    And also it includes the discussion on present status of large press , small press and belt type press , as well as international research direction of big monocrystalline diamond grains .

  23. 精子顶体形状不规则或含有多个小空泡受精率明显降低。顶体中含有多个小空泡顶体酶活性明显下降。

    Sperm Acrosomal Morphology irregular or including many little vacuolus have lower fertility rate , and acrosin activity are cut down . 5 .

  24. 方法12肋尖下方做长约3~6cm的小切口,对32例肾囊肿患者行小切口囊肿去顶术。

    [ Methods ] A 3 ~ 6 cm incision was made below the 12th costal interspace . 32 patients with renal cyst were treated by ablation with mini-incision .