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  1. 2009年春,孟津县在进行第三次全国文物普查时发现一件珍贵石器。

    In2009 , one stone plane was discovered in Mengjin county in Luoyang .

  2. 黑龙江省萝北、绥滨县文物普查简报黑龙江省绥滨县福兴区煤岩煤质特征

    Characteristics of Coal Rock and Coal Quality in Fuxing District of Suibin County of Heilongjiang Province

  3. 通过全国第三次文物普查,武安市的不可移动文物总数超过2000处,进一步巩固了其文物大县的地位。

    The total number of the cultural relic is over 2,000 in the Third National Relic Survey , which consolidates its status .

  4. 湖南炎陵县船形乡文化站工作人员近日在文物普查时,在该乡新生村发现一座建于清朝道光年间古房屋建筑。

    Recently , staff from Cultural Station of Chuanxing town has discovered an ancient house in Xinsheng village , Yanling county of Hunan province , when they were making a survey on cultural relics .

  5. 全国第五次文物普查过程中,湖北省襄樊市南漳地区发现的山寨遗址数量增加到385个,远比预期的分布更加广泛、类型更加多样化。

    In the fifth National Archaeological Survey , the number of the mountain citadel sites found in Nanzhang area increased to 385 , and the wide-ranging and diverse types of those sites is far greater than expected .

  6. 2010年10月24日据媒体报道,中国江西省将于下个月在鄱阳湖内陆水域进行水下文物专项普查,这是中国首次开展内陆水域的水下文物考古。

    2010-10-24 East China 's Jiangxi Province will launch an underwater archaeological investigation in Poyang Lake next month , China 's first such project in inland waters .