
  • 网络cultural reconstruct;cultural reconstruction
  1. 本文选取了B市一个正在转制中的社区&S社区为个案,试图通过实地调研,了解该转制社区在转制过程中社区文化重构的状况。

    This study attempts through field research , to understand the status of the restructuring of the community in community cultural reconstruction in the conversion process .

  2. 文化重构与民族传统文化的保护&以湘西民族旅游文化为例

    Cultural Reconstruction and the Protection of National Traditional Culture & With Example of Xiangxi National Tourism

  3. 民营企业文化重构的路径选择分析

    Analysis of the Path Choice of the Reconstruction of Private Enterprise Culture

  4. 合并高校的组织文化重构

    Reconstruction of the Organizational Culture in the Merged University

  5. 媒介序参数:从精神到物质的文化重构

    Media as A Social Order-parameter : Restructure of Chinese Culture System from Spiritual to Material

  6. 基于心理契约视角的网络组织文化重构研究

    Research on the Reconstruction of Culture of Network Organization From the Perspective of Psychological Contract

  7. 试论西部大开发中少数民族传统文化重构的特点

    Discussion about the Characteristic of the Minority nationality Traditional Culture Reconstruction in the Large-scale Development in West China

  8. 本文从社会空间的视角,讨论了转制社区文化重构的问题。

    From the perspective of the social space , I discussed the issue of restructuring of community cultural reconstruction .

  9. 辛亥革命后,满族民众利用宗祠祭祀建构关于落广祖的历史记忆、增强族群的认同和凝聚力,宗祠祭祀成为他们在广州社会进行文化重构的重要手段。

    After 1911 , Guangzhou Manchu utilized ancestral hall to construct history memory about their ancestors , strengthen ethnic group self-identity and cohesion .

  10. 强调宗教尤其是佛教对于建立中国人道德信仰世界的重要,就文化重构的“多元融合”与“思想配伍”问题,提出了建言;

    His proposal emphasized on the importance of religion , especially Buddhism , to the reconstruction of the Chinese moral and belief world .

  11. 通过对并购企业的不同类型和并购的不同形式进行深入分析,研究了文化重构的主体形式。

    By a thorough analysis of different enterprises and different forms of M & A , this thesis introduces the major forms of cultural reconstruction .

  12. 第四部分主要从精神、制度、行为和物质四个层面对企业文化重构的内容进行设计。

    Part IV , mainly from the spirit , institutional and material reconstruction of three levels of the corporate culture to design the contents of the reconstruction .

  13. 他中等年纪,左脸颊上有一块象草莓一般的火红色的胎记。《红灯记》电视剧与新世纪红色文化重构

    He is a middle-aged man with a flaming strawberry mark on his left cheek . The TV Play The Red Lantern and the Reestablishment of Revolutionary Culture

  14. 政府在这种文化重构的过程中应不断地改造自身并促进这种文化创新。

    The author thinks that the government departments concerned should continuously modify themselves so as to promote the innovation of this culture in the process of the reform of this culture .

  15. 在现代性视野的审视下,底层写作以积极探索的努力姿态参与完成着社会批判和文化重构的历史使命。

    In the modern vision of the look , the bottom of writing a positive attitude to explore the efforts of the community to participate in the completion of critical and cultural reconstruction Mission .

  16. 在当今中国文化重构的大背景下,如何扬弃传统文化,批判地继承优秀部分,以服务社会已是一个摆在时代前的大课题。

    Under the background of Chinese culture restructuring , it is a big topic that how to develop the good and discard the bad traditional culture , and how to inherit the outstanding part to serve the society .

  17. 一方面,农村法文化重构的模式包括路径选择与主体支撑;另一方面,农村法文化重构包括现代法律意识的培育以及农村法律制度的完善。

    On the one hand , the rural reconstruction of legal culture , including route choice model with the main support ; the other hand , the rural reconstruction of legal culture , including the cultivation of modern legal consciousness , and improve the legal system in rural areas .

  18. 论现代化语境中西部地区民族传统文化的重构

    The reconstruction of western minority cultures in the environment of modernization

  19. 电视文化的重构与转型

    Talk about the Way of TV Culture Reframe and Transformation

  20. 立足现实原则解决了中国企业文化体系重构的立足点问题;

    The principle of basing on realities provides a foothold forthe reconstruction .

  21. 从新文化地理学重构人文地理学的研究框架

    Re-constructing the research frame of Human Geography from perspectives of New Cultural Geography

  22. 建筑空间历史文化的重构

    Reconstruction of the History and Culture of Building Space

  23. 浅析传统服饰对民族文化价值重构的重要性

    On the Reconstruction of Traditional Dress of the Importance of National Cultural Values

  24. 民营企业文化管理重构,主要包括理念和制度两个方面。

    The reconstruction of private enterprise culture management consists of two major aspects .

  25. 略论民族文化的重构与输出&以广西文化为例

    On Reconstruction and Export of Ethnic Culture : A Case Study of Guangxi Culture

  26. 中国战略文化的重构:一项研究议程

    China 's Strategic Culture : A Research Program

  27. 对中国文化精神重构的呼唤;

    Calling for reconstruction Chinese cultural spirit ;

  28. 试论当代中国行政文化的重构

    Reconstruction of Contemporary Chinese Administrative Culture

  29. 中国经济文化的重构

    Re-Constituting Chinese Economic Culture

  30. 中印文化转型重构的一个生动个案&狸猫换太子故事元素分析

    A Vivid Case of Transfer and Reconstruction Between Chinese and Indian Culture & Analysis of Palm Civet for Prince