
  • 网络Culture and society
  1. 泰国的文化与社会是泰国和世界之间的联系。

    Thai culture and society and the connection between Thailand and the world .

  2. 第四章是仪式的象征意义与社会功能:文化与社会的互动;

    Chapter 4 , Symbolic Meaning and Social Function of Rituals : Interactive of Culture and Society ;

  3. 其间一定有更深层的文化与社会心理的原因。

    There must be more profound cultural and social psychological reasons .

  4. 女性人类学的文化与社会建构及其后现代研究

    Cultural and Social Construction of Feminism Anthropology and Its Post-Modern Research

  5. 人文类学主要是研究人类的文化与社会现象。

    The humanities mainly study human 's cultural and social phenomenon .

  6. 反映文化与社会中的人性需求。

    It reflects the culture and human nature needs in the societies .

  7. 中西传统文化与社会工作价值观的构建

    The Construction of Chinese and Western Traditional Culture and Social Work Values

  8. 青海地方节庆文化与社会经济发展关系研究

    On the Relationship between the Local Festival Culture and Social Economic Development

  9. 它的主要任务是组织文化与社会活动。

    Its main task was organizing cultural and social activities .

  10. 民族地区生态文化与社会生态经济系统互动关系研究&对民族地区传统多元宗教生态文化的形成特性的分析及启示

    On Interaction Relation of Ecological Culture and Social Ecological Economy in Minority Areas

  11. 消费文化与社会可持续发展

    Consumption Cultural and Sustainable Development of the Society

  12. 自我负责的课程文化与社会创新

    Social Innovation and the Curriculum Culture of Self-Responsibility

  13. 网络文化与社会控制机制

    Network Culture and the Social Control Mechanism

  14. 网络文化与社会交往

    The Network Culture and the Society Associate

  15. 摘要大学文化与社会文化的本质区别在于其精神层面的特征。

    The essential differences between college culture and social culture are the characteristics of spiritual levels .

  16. 球迷文化与社会整合&体育和社会对话之一

    Fan Culture and Social Grouping

  17. 梁漱溟对中国文化与社会结构的研究,是从文化的本体意义和文化的历史显现两个层面进行的。

    Liang approached the above from two perspectives : the ontological meaning of culture and its historical manifestations .

  18. 现任秘鲁妇女第一工作处文化与社会咨询顾问。

    Now he is an advisor in cultural and social topic in the First Lady Office of Peru .

  19. 古塔文化与社会文化发展之间存在着密切的关联性,二者相互促进发展。

    Pagodas culture and social culture development there is close correlation between , the two mutually promote development .

  20. 它是中华民族传统文化与社会科学在特定的社会历史条件下双向互动的产物,是中华民族传统体育研究领域的学术前沿。

    It is the result of the exchanging the Chinese national traditional culture and social science in special condition .

  21. 卫生文化与社会之间既是局部与整体的关系,也是互为动力、互相影响的两个方面。

    The relationship between the health culture and the society is both a local-whole relationship and an interactive relationship .

  22. 都市高校外迁,应正确处理高校文化与社会文化、校园文化与都市文化的关系。

    In the moving the relationships among the culture of university , society and campus should be correctly handled .

  23. 因此,增设商业伦理课程有利于中国形成一种更为清廉的商业文化与社会。

    More business ethics programmes should , therefore , lead to a less corrupt Chinese business culture and society .

  24. 评价其在城市建设与发展过程中所表现出来的经济、文化与社会价值;

    It assesses its economical cultural and social values expressed in the course of the city 's developing and constructing process ;

  25. 第四,把高校道德文化与社会割裂开来,导致高校道德文化建设出现狭隘化倾向。

    Fourth , the separation between the university moral culture and the society leads the narrowing trend of its culture construction .

  26. 励志影视作品作为一种类型剧,它肩负着弘扬主流文化与社会意识的任务。

    As a type of drama , It should to carry forward the task of the mainstream culture and social consciousness .

  27. 第三章从理论高度分析清真餐饮业的文化与社会资本,总结出清真餐饮业现代性转型理论。

    Chapter three analyzes it 's cultural and social capital theoretically in order to sum up the modernity transformation theory of it .

  28. 除了娱乐大众之外,这些节目还反映出当今中国在步入现代化进程中文化与社会的转型。

    Apart from providing entertainment , these shows also reflect the country 's cultural and societal transformation as it strides toward modernity .

  29. 西方传教士自明朝中叶再度传入中国后,对中国政治、文化与社会的影响越来越大。

    The activities of the European missionaries entering China in the middle of Ming Dynasty increasingly affected Chinese politics , culture and society .

  30. 正是这种人、文化与社会之间的关系,为社会主义和谐社会的建设提供了人文关照。

    It is this human , cultural and social relation , for the construction of a harmonious socialist society provides a humanistic view .