
  1. 从道法自然、天人合一的中国传统智慧,到创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,中国把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入中国经济社会发展各方面和全过程,努力建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化。

    From the traditional Chinese wisdom that the laws of Nature govern all things and that man must seek harmony with Nature , to the new development philosophy emphasizing innovative coexistence of man and Nature .

  2. 以人为本是世界现代化历史进程提炼出的最新发展理念。

    People-oriented is latest development principle refined in the modernization history progress in the world .

  3. 本文引入了国外基于社区的生态旅游这一新发展理念。

    This paper examines a new concept of community-based tourism ( CBET ) that originated in foreign country .

  4. 他呼吁,各级领导干部要带头参加义务植树,身体力行在全社会宣传新发展理念。

    He called on officials at all levels to take the lead in voluntary tree planting campaigns to promote new development concepts with their own practices .

  5. 总体上看,我国把可持续发展作为一种新发展理念和发展模式倡导和推进的时间比较短,还处于初始研究阶段。

    In our country , as the way of a sort of new develop logos and mode sparking and pushing sustainable development is new logos , as a whole it is in initial research stage .

  6. 在新的发展理念指导下,余杭经济将实现一种全新的腾跃!

    Under the guidance of the new development concept , Yuhang is to realize and witness a totally-new economy that leaps forward .

  7. 随着发展方式的转变,可持续发展作为最新的发展理念引起世界范围的广泛关注。

    With the change in the pattern of development , sustainable development as the latest developments concept causes widespread concern around the world .

  8. 全球化及在其背景下的边缘化使许多传统的区域结构模型失效,地方城市的新的发展理念和策略应置于更宏观的框架内加以设计。

    Globalization and corresponding marginalization destroy many traditional regional models , thus new developing philosophy and strategy of local cities should be planned under a more macroscopic framework .

  9. 循环经济是一种新的发展理念,是对传统的经济发展理念、资源利用模式和环境治理方式的重大变革。

    Circular economy is a new developmental ideal , and is an important change of traditional economic development and the model of utilizing resources and the model of protecting environment .

  10. 可持续发展理论,作为一种新的发展理念和发展观,涵盖资源、环境、人口、技术、制度和伦理等方面。

    The theory of the sustainable development is identified as a new thought and view of development , and covers all aspects , such as environment , resource , population , technology , system and ethics .

  11. 因此,少数民族地区经济与民族文化互动发展是民族地区经济社会全面可持续发展的必然要求,是促进区域发展的一种新的发展理念、新的发展思路、新的发展策略。

    Therefore , the minority regions ' interactive development in economy and culture , which is the new idea , strategy of regional development , is the essential demand of the overall sustainable development in society and economy .

  12. 通过大量实证研究和不同类型城市之间的比较,进一步提出地方城市摆脱边缘化、抑制衰退的策略措施,指出新的发展理念应该置于更宏观的框架内加以设计。

    Moreover , based on practical study and comparison among different cities , the author puts forward the measures for the cities to get rid of the marginalization and to resist decadence , and points out the development ideas should be placed in more macroscopic framework .

  13. 发展风险概念对以启蒙运动为根基的现代乐观主义进步信念和单向度线性发展模式提出质疑并进行深刻反省,从而谋求新的发展理念和模式。

    Risk is a normative concept that is skeptical about optimistic modern belief in progress which rooted in the Enlightenment . It calls one-dimensional and linear concept and pattern of development in question , and stimulates deeply reflection on modernity to seek new development conceptions and models .

  14. 包容性增长是为世界大部分国家认可的新的发展理念,强调公平和共享,要求国家之间、人与人之间要协同发展,要让发展的成果公平地惠及所有参与发展的人。

    The idea of inclusive growth has become the newly recognized developmental idea of most countries , which emphasizes on justice and sharing , demands the coordinated development among different people and different countries and demands that the result of development can be beneficial to everyone who helps it .

  15. 高职院校图书馆适应新形势发展的理念

    The Development Conception Adapts to the new Situations for Professional College Library

  16. 城市经营是一种新的城市发展理念。

    Urban management is a new idea of city development .

  17. 生态文明:一种新的和谐发展理念

    Ecological Civilization : A New Harmonious Development Notion

  18. 新世纪中国体育发展理念的思考&以奥林匹克宗旨为参照

    The thinking about the idea of China sports ' development in the new century & Refer to Olympic tenet

  19. 低碳经济是不同于传统经济的新的发展模式和理念,低碳经济融资问题史是一种全新的挑战。

    Low-carbon economy is new development model and philosophy which is different from the traditional economic development and low-carbon economy financing is even a new challenge .

  20. 核心竞争力理论关注于公司内部的知识积累、资源整合和潜力挖掘,为国际班轮公司引入了新的竞争与发展理念。

    Core competence theory concentrates on collective learning , coordinative resources and potentialities in the corporation , which introduced new ideas about competition and development to the international liner corporations .

  21. 它是一种新的生存和发展理念;是人类历史发展的必然;同时又是人类自觉的选择。

    It is a new concept of the survival and development ; It is an inevitable development in human history ; at the same time , it is the conscious selection of human .

  22. 进入新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局,形成全国统一大市场和畅通的国内大循环,促进南北方协调发展,需要水资源的有力支撑。

    Strong support of water resources is needed as the nation enters a new development stage , implements growth between northern and southern China .

  23. 通过它,中国人民将进一步全面了解包括欧盟在内的世界新经济和新城市的发展理念,欧盟和世界人民也将进一步深入了解中国经济、社会、科技、文化等方面的发展进步。

    Likewise , the EU and the people of the world will have a deeper understanding of China 's progress and development in the economic , social , technological and cultural fields .

  24. 作为一种新的发展观、新的发展理念和发展战略,农业可持续发展已通过联合国环境与发展大会,被世界不同意识形态,不同社会制度和不同信仰的许多国家所接受。

    As a new development theory , idea and strategy , the sustainable development of agriculture has accepted by different ideology , social system and belief in different countries after it had appeared in the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development .

  25. 人力资本理论作为一种有力的理论分析工具,不仅开辟了人们分析经济现象的新视域,而且也带来了新的发展理念。

    Human capital theory has not only opened up a new horizon for people to analyze economic phenomena , but also brought about new development conceptions .

  26. 在新的发展阶段、新的发展形势、新的发展理念下,旧有的工业园区和小城镇的互动发展关系出现了新的问题和局限,已经不能适应新的发展要求。

    The old existing relation of industrial area and small town arises some new issues and constraints , and it can not be adapted to the new development demand in the drive of new development stage , new development situation and new development concept .

  27. 面对现实经济社会的发展的新形势和新任务,党的十六大提出了统筹城乡发展的新发展理念。

    The face of economic and social development at the turn of the century the new situation and tasks , the Party National Congress clearly put forward the new development of urban and rural development concepts .

  28. 建设雄安新区是千年大计。新区首先就要新在规划、建设的理念上,要体现出前瞻性、引领性。要全面贯彻新发展理念,坚持高质量发展要求,努力创造新时代高质量发展的标杆。

    Developing Xiong'an New Area is a strategy that will have lasting new development concepts and stick to high-quality growth so as to build Xiong'an New Area into a model of high-quality development in the new era .