
xīn wén jiǎn bào
  • news summary;bulletin
  1. 预先安排好的节目将临时换成特别新闻简报。

    The scheduled programme will be pre-empted by a special news bulletin .

  2. 下面是今日新闻简报。

    Here 's a summary of the day 's news

  3. 委员会成员GhassanSalame主持了周四(3月16日)在仰光举行的新闻简报会。

    Commission member Ghassan Salame chaired the press briefing held in Yangon on Thursday . ,

  4. 我知道,正如新闻简报栏目TheBroadsheet所说,我们距离我们期望的目标还有很远的距离,我们还有许多工作要做,但我真的非常乐观。

    I know , as The Broadsheet talks about , we are not where we need to be and we have a lot of work to do , but I am really optimistic .

  5. 美联社和合众国际社已经火速地向全国和海外发布了新闻简报。

    AP and UPI had flashed bulletins nationwide and overseas .

  6. 我目前正致力于另一个新闻简报。

    I am right now working on another newsletter .

  7. 请打开收音机,听听新闻简报和气象预报。

    Please switch on the radio to hear the news bulleton and weather forecast .

  8. 每半小时发布一次的新闻简报

    A half - hourly news bulletin

  9. 十日的新闻简报上展示的其他系统,包括一个可以在公共场所检测禁止行为的系统。

    Among other systems displayed at Friday 's press briefing included one that can detect banned behavior in public places .

  10. 中国农业科学院的一份新闻简报报道,该中心的数据都将在全国范围的农业科学家中间共享。

    All data obtained in the centre will be shared with agricultural scientists nationwide , according to a CAAS newsletter .

  11. 基本会员可得到由协会寄发的“商贸新闻简报”、商品信息发布会和其他有关中美两国贸易方面的最新消息。

    Basic members are provided with a subscription to " Trade News Bulletin ", trade releases and other timely items about .

  12. 据国务院的一份新闻简报说,德杰尼勒斯将利用自己的名人平台,让数百万美国人了解全球防治艾滋病的努力并加深有关认识。

    DeGeneres will use her celebrity platform to reach millions of Americans and raise awareness about the global fight against AIDS , according to a State Department news release .

  13. 《汽车之战》的一个独特优势在于,它将竞争情报、新闻简报、观察评论和传闻分析进行过滤加工,然后整合成为未来产品趋势的严密分析。

    One of the unique strengths of Car Wars is its distillation of competitive intelligence , press clippings , speculation , and rumor analysis into a rigorous analysis of future product trends .

  14. 总统的椭圆办公室、白宫幕僚、内阁会议室、罗斯福室和詹姆斯·布莱迪新闻简报厅都设在西翼楼里。

    The West Wing houses the President 's Oval Office , the offices of his executive staff , the Cabinet Room , the Roosevelt Room , and the James S.Brady Press Briefing Room .

  15. 传统意义上的忠实观或复制观或许可以应用于非文学作品的翻译,如天气预报及新闻简报,因为此类文本中,文字的字面意义为最重要。

    Traditional translation theories centered around the notion of faithfulness or replication may find their typical applications in non-literary texts , since in such texts , what is said about the word is the most important .

  16. “2010年已经历了最多的人受灾和死于洪水”,联合国人道事务协调厅在达喀尔的法新社收到的新闻简报中说。

    " 2010 has seen the largest number of people affected and dying from flooding ", the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ( OCHA ) said in a news bulletin received by AFP in Dakar .

  17. 在美国国务院的一次新闻简报会上,副发言人伍德说,就核实问题达成最终协议将是六方会谈的目标。六方会谈的参与国包括韩国、俄罗斯、日本、美国、北韩和中国。

    At a news briefing here , Deputy State Department Spokesman Robert Wood said that would be the goal of the six-way meeting , which will include South Korea , Russia and Japan , along with the United States , North Korea and host China :

  18. 全城最自由的出版物要算美国新闻处的新闻简报,它转载美国报刊文章,其中有些是评论中国时事的文章。

    The most liberal publication in the city was the news bulletin put out by the United States Information Service which reprinted articles from American newspapers , some of them about China .

  19. CICC已经在华盛顿建立一家工作室,聘用20名当地新闻播报员,开始播报新闻简报,最初将主要关注股市信息。

    CICC has already set up a studio in Washington , hired 20 local news readers and begun broadcasting bulletins , initially focused on stock market information .

  20. 香港广播电台设立新闻部(在此以前,新闻简报由政府新闻处提供)。

    RHK set up its own newsroom ( prior to that , news bulletins were prepared by the Government Information Services ) .

  21. 新闻秘书作为总统的发言人面向媒体和国家,并以新闻简报和接受采访的方式来解释政府的政策。罗伯特·吉布斯不仅仅是一名发言人。

    The press secretary serves as the president 's spokesman to the media and to the nation , conducting news briefings and interviews to explain administration policies .