
  • 网络front-running
  1. 会员体系是进场交易制度的核心,会员体系的构建和完善对进场交易制度的形成起到关键作用。

    The construction of membership system plays vital role in the process of establishing floor trading mechanism .

  2. 并首次提出了设立小额货币兑换交易所,允许地摊银行登记之后进场交易的建议。

    And it for the first time proposes to establish small currency exchange , allowing the Stall Bank to enter trade after registration .

  3. 船舶进场交易制度包括会员体系、交易鉴证程序和交易纠纷的解决机制三个方面的内容。

    Floor trading includes three aspects : membership system , business attestation and dispute resolution , among which membership system stands in the center .

  4. 只有作为交易所会员的期货经纪公司才能委派出市代表进场交易,客户只能通过委托期货经纪公司才能进行期货交易。

    Only the futures broking company which has the membership of the futures exchange can appoint it . Representatives to make deals in the market , and the client can make deals by entrusting the futures broking company .

  5. 文章从有形建筑市场的现状出发,探讨有形建筑市场的定义、功能、进场交易的范围及政府部门应加强监管的措施等方面的问题。

    In light of the demand for formal architectural markets , a probe is made into the definition , function and entry dealing scope of formal architectural markets and some suggestions are put forward with which the governmental department can better strengthen and supervise the architectural markets .