
  • 【法】import and export tariffs
  1. 国家颁布进出口税则暂定税率

    The state promulgates tentative tariff rates of tax regulations for import & Export

  2. 《海关进出口税则》是本条例的组成部分。

    Customs Import and Export Tariff is an integral part of these Regulations .

  3. 我国新版进出口税则1月1日已实行玩具出口企业应密切注意

    New edition of our country 's Import and Export Tariff Regulation has bccn implemented form Jan 1st

  4. 进出口税则应当公布直接税为出口税和产品税提供了另一个方案。

    The tariff shall be made known to the public . Direct taxes offer another alternative to export or output taxes .

  5. 这个国家原料大部分靠进口。《海关进出口税则》是本条例的组成部分。

    The country has to import most of its raw material . Customs Import and Export Tariff is an integral part of these Regulations .

  6. 从境外采购进口的原产于中国境内的货物,海关依照《海关进出口税则》征收进口关税。

    If goods originating within Chinese territory are purchased from outside Chinese territory for import , Customs shall levy import duty in accordance with the Customs Import and Export Tariff .

  7. 中国进出口商品检验局。中华人民共和国海关进出口税则

    The import and export commodity inspection bureau of the people 's republic of china . Customs Tariff of Import & Export Commodities of PRC