
  • 网络at-the-close order;closing line
  1. SourceTrading的交易员尼克•考普(NickKaupp)说,与最近几个交易日相比,周一尾盘的活跃程度是比较轻的。

    End-of-day activity was light compared to recent sessions , said Nick Kaupp , a trader with Source Trading in Stamford , Conn.

  2. 昨日伦敦市场尾盘,富时环球新兴市场指数(FTSEall-WorldEmergingIndex)达到433.2点,为雷曼倒闭导致全球股市暴跌前一周的水平。

    The FTSE All-World Emerging Index yesterday reached 433.2 in late London trade a level last seen the week before Lehman 's demise sent markets into a tailspin .

  3. 风靡一时的手游《糖果传奇》(CandyCrushSaga)开发商KingDigitalEntertainment周二宣布最近一个季度增长乏力、业绩平平,导致其尾盘股价下跌超过20%。

    King Digital Entertainment , maker of the ( once ) popular mobile gaming app " Candy Crush Saga , " saw its shares fall over 20 % late Tuesday after the company reported sluggish growth and tepid earnings for the previous quarter .

  4. 尽管香港股市昨日尾盘出现反弹,但由于最近遭遇强大抛压,2007年初至今的香港十大首次公开发行(ipo)中,有8家公司跌破发行价。

    Eight of the companies involved in the top 10 initial public offerings in Hong Kong since the start of 2007 have fallen below their offer prices due to the recent sell-off , in spite of a last-minute rebound of the stock market yesterday .

  5. 专家也表示,这种尾盘暴涨模式不太可能是随机现象。

    And experts say it is unlikely that the late-day pattern occurs randomly .

  6. 纽约市场周二尾盘,近期交割的九月黄金期货报每盎司995美元。

    Front-month September gold late afternoon in New York was at $ 995 .

  7. 尾盘出场策略也是很有效的。

    A trailing stop is also very effective .

  8. 尾盘,金融板块,尤其是券商股开始反弹。

    Late afternoon , the financial sector , especially the brokerage stocks began to rebound .

  9. 他们在尾盘时获利回吐,令多数周边市场收盘都脱离了盘中高点。

    They took late-session profits , causing most regional markets settle well below their high points .

  10. 周二尾盘,澳元兑0.8620美元,高于周一的0.8560美元。

    Late afternoon Tuesday it was trading at US $ 0.8620 , up from US $ 0.8560 .

  11. 因此,监管机构目前正在调查汇丰股价为何在周一尾盘时如此突然地暴跌。

    So regulators are now investigating why HSBC 's share price collapsed so suddenly late on Monday .

  12. 但尾盘却掉头下跌,以2%跌幅收盘。

    However , the shares then succumbed to gravity in late trading to close 2 per cent down .

  13. 不过,埃克森股价在尾盘阶段迅速上扬,并最终重新超越苹果。

    As the closing bell approached , however , Exxon surged faster than apple and retook the lead .

  14. 但与黄金相似,铂金价格也快速回落,欧洲交易尾盘跌至994美元。

    But like gold , platinum also fell back quickly , dropping to $ 994 in late European trade .

  15. 即使道琼斯指数在尾盘略有回升,美国的投资者仍然胆战心惊。

    Investors remained skittish in the United States , although the Dow Jones managed to finish the day up slightly .

  16. 纽约汇市周二尾盘,欧元兑1.4489美元,高于周一尾盘的1.4342美元。

    Late afternoon in New York , the euro was buying $ 1.4489 , up from $ 1.4342 late Monday .

  17. 亚洲股市周四收盘普遍走高,美国股市周三尾盘的反弹提振了投资者信心。

    Asian stock markets ended broadly higher yesterday as investors took their cue from a late rally on Wall Street .

  18. 纽约市场尾盘,10年期美国国债收益率上涨3个基点,至2.41%。

    Late in New York , the yield on 10-year Treasury notes was 3 basis points higher at 2.41 per cent .

  19. 事实证明,在昨天尾盘减仓或空仓是明智的选择。

    The facts prove that it 's a wise choice to reduce the ratio or in vacant position in yesterday 's closing .

  20. 英镑徘徊于周三触及的5年低点1.6048美元附近,纽约汇市周四尾盘报1.6170美元。

    The pound hovered around the five-year low of $ 1.6048 it hit Wednesday , trading at $ 1.6170 late Thursday in New York .

  21. 在经历一天上涨之后,金融市场在尾盘表现出对降息幅度不及预期的失望情绪,回吐部分涨幅。

    After a day of gains , markets showed their disappointment that the cut was not bigger , giving up some of their advances .

  22. 10年期国债收益率本周二升至3.85%的高点,高于上周五尾盘的3.65%。

    The yield on the 10-year note rose to a high of 3.85 per cent yesterday , up from 3.65 per cent late on Friday .

  23. 今年以来贬值1%,周四亚洲市场尾盘报1美元兑人民币6.3575元。

    It has dipped 1 % so far this year , and traded at about 6.3575 against the dollar late in Asia on Thursday . ‪

  24. 美国股市尾盘阶段跌幅为0.5%左右,将延续6个交易日的跌势。

    US equities were down about 0.5 per cent in late trade and were set to extend their run of losses for six straight days .

  25. 不过,尾盘空头气焰高涨,三大指数齐步下挫,道琼指数已经连续七个交易日走低。

    However , the closing session saw three major indexes ' slump with the Dow Jones index remaining in low for 7 trading days in a row .

  26. 伦敦现货金价跌至每金衡盎司1762.90美元的盘中低点,与周一尾盘创下的历史纪录&每金衡盎司1911.46美元相比,下跌了148.5美元。

    Spot gold prices in London fell to a session low of $ 1, 762.90 per troy ounce , down $ 148.5 from the all-time high of $ 1, 911.46 a troy ounce set in late trading on Monday .

  27. 高盛股价周四在尾盘出现大幅上扬,最终收于145.22美元,涨幅4.4%。但与证交会提出指控前的水平相比,仍低了约20%。

    Goldman Sachs shares rose sharply towards the end of the session . They closed 4.4 per cent higher at $ 145.22 but they are still some 20 per cent below the level before the SEC filed the charges .

  28. 这是一种末日交易。只有在你认为这个世界将发生大爆炸、或强生公司将炸掉自己或你刚好在尾盘时接到了追加保证金的通知时,发生这种交易才讲得通。

    This is an Armageddon trade the kind of trade that only makes sense if you believe the world will blow up or J & J will blow itself up , or if you happen to have a late-day margin call .