
zhuānɡ chuán tōnɡ zhī
  • advice of shipment
  1. 盼早日得到装船通知。

    Awaiting your early advice of shipment .

  2. 请按我方要求洽办保险,我方等候你方的装船通知。

    Please arrange insurance as per our requirements , and we await your advice of shipment .

  3. 恭候贵公司的销售确认书及装船通知。

    We await to receive your confirmation and the shipping advice .

  4. 我们还没有接到货主的装船通知单。

    We have not received the shipper 's loading notice yet .

  5. 我们期待着收到你方的装船通知。

    We are looking forward to receiving your shipping advice .

  6. 卖方给买方的装船通知副本一份。

    One copy of the shipment notification from the seller to the buyer ;

  7. 来自买方的装船通知,证实可以从中国工厂执行装运。

    Shipping notice from buyer to certify that the production line can be effected the shipment from Chinese factory .

  8. 一旦接到装船通知,我们将立即通过中国银行天津分行寄出装运单据给你方。

    Immediately upon receipt of shipping advice , we will send the shipping documents through The Bank of China , Tianjin .

  9. 我方至今未收到贵方装船通知,请速回函告知是否已经装船。

    We have not as yet receive your shipping advice . please let us know by return mail whether shipment have be effect .

  10. 余下货物款项按卖方生产计划,批交批结,每批货物见装船通知单付款,直至本合约完成。

    The remaining amount according to the seller of goods production planning , grant pay award knot , each batch of goods , see the shipping notice payment , until the completion of the contract .

  11. 恳请贵公司将装船情况尽早通知我们,并告知保险所需费用。

    You will be so good as to give me timely advice of the shipment , state the possible cost in effect the insurance .

  12. 卖方在装船后立即给买方装船通知传真复印件。

    A copy of fax to the Buyer , advising the shipment immediately when it is made .

  13. 装船后卖方将立即用电报形式向买方发出装船通知。

    The seller will give the buyer the shipping advice by cable Immediately after shipment .

  14. 卖方于货物装船后,应将合同号码、品名、数量、船名、装船日期以电报通知买方。

    After loading is completed , the Sellers shall notify the Buyers by cable of the contract number , name of commodity , quantity , name of the carrying vessel and date of shipment .