
  1. 对我国离子膜法烧碱用膜国产化和制膜技术及装备引进问题的一些看法

    Review on home-made membrane for domestic ion-exchange-membrane caustic soda production and problems of importing foreign technique and devices of membrane-made

  2. 在此期间,电气照明技术的传入先后以进口产品、进口制造装备和引进人才等三种方式为主。

    In this period , the importation had manifested different forms as production , equipment and technical person .

  3. 通过对国外先进技术和装备的引进、消化、吸收和再创新,铁路企业已经取得了一定的成果。

    Through the introduction , assimilation , and re-innovation the advanced foreign technology and equipment , the home railway enterprises have achieved certain good results .

  4. 高速铁路建设对国家的经济发展具有重要意义,我国高速铁路建设正在起步阶段,缺少经验和技术,因而重大技术装备的引进成为必不可少的环节。

    High-speed railway construction is greatly significant to the national economic development . China high-speed railway construction , at the initial stage , is lack of experience and technology . As a result , it is absolutely necessary to introduce the great technical facilities .