
  1. 而新课改提出的课程三级管理制度正是这种需要的反应。

    The three-level management policy proposed during the new curriculum reform is the reflection of these needs .

  2. 新课程背景下,课程权力下放,实现了课程权力的三级管理制度。

    Content : Under the new curriculum , curriculum decentralization of power levels to achieve the course management system .

  3. 运用客观评价,建立课堂教学反思三级管理制度,促进教师反思能力的提高和反思意识的加强高教育管理有效性。

    Using objective evaluation to building up introspect a x-rated management system of the classroom teaching and advancing the teacher 's introspect ability and strengthen the validity of the high education management .

  4. 我国三级课程管理制度的确立,为基础教育课程改革提供了很好的外部环境和条件。

    Three magnitude curriculum govern institution comes true in our country , that provides a good outer circumstance and condition for the curriculum reform of basic education .