
  • 网络3d mouse
  1. Logitech三维鼠标及其在三维场景漫游中的应用

    Logitech 3D Mouse and Its Application on Walkthrough in Virtual Space

  2. 基于手势的实时人机交互在虚拟现实领域有着重要的理论和应用价值,它可以用来实现三维鼠标以及用于人机交互的三维游戏中。

    Real-time Human-Computer Interaction based on hand gestures plays an important role in both theory and application of virtual reality .

  3. 本文讨论了一种三维鼠标的设计问题,并且将鼠标的三维操作和虚拟环境进一步结合起来。

    This article discusses the problem is to design a three-dimensional mouse and the mouse operations and further integrate the virtual environment .

  4. 系统使用Creator/Vega虚拟现实软件平台实现,建立非常真实的虚拟装配环境,使用户有身临装配现场的感觉。用户在三维鼠标、位置跟踪器的帮助下可以随意地平移和旋转模型,完成装配操作。

    The system uses Creator / Vega , software of virtual reality , to create very real virtual environment of assembly and makes users feeling present to moving or rolling models optionally with the help of space-ball and position-tracker to finish assembly operation .

  5. 在远端通过鼠标、键盘、力反馈操纵杆、三维鼠标的方式来对工作现场的机器人进行远程示教、远程操作、远程编程及远程诊断,并通过图形仿真和实时视频监视远端的机器人。

    The status of the robot was monitored and controlled by graphic simulation and real-time video and force feedback . Remote teaching , operation , programming and diagnostics on a robot at a remote location were performed via mouse , keyboard , force feedback controller and 3-D mouse .

  6. 基于OpenGL的网格数据三维地形鼠标取值方法

    A Method of 3D Terrain Mouse Selection in Grid Data Based on OpenGL

  7. 文章在解决实际问题的基础上实现了一种解决基于OpenGL的网格数据的三维地形的鼠标取值方法。

    On the basis of solving a practical project , this article realized a method of 3D terrain mouse selection in grid data based on OpenGL .

  8. 根据空间投影原理解决了三维窗口中的鼠标拾取问题。

    Based on the projection principle of tridimensionality , the problem of how to collect and set the position of the mouse in the 3D windows ′ were solved .