
  • 网络Workshifting
  1. 英国上市的灵活办公空间提供商Regus,市场估值仅40亿美元。

    Regus , a UK-listed flexible workplace provider , is valued at just $ 4bn .

  2. 否则,灵活办公也许会让你健康恶化、身心疲惫。

    Otherwise , agility might lead to sclerosis and fatigue .

  3. 反馈:你的公司是否会提供灵活办公时间或其他老人看护协助?

    Talkback : Does your company offer flextime or other eldercare assistance ?

  4. 灵活办公如今越来越流行。

    Agile working is increasingly popular .

  5. 过去两年,中国各地经济发达城市对灵活办公空间的需求不断增加。

    The past two years have seen a rising demand for flexible workspace in developed cities across China .

  6. 然而这种以线缆为基础的企业内部网络,由于线缆的束缚,已不能满足员工灵活办公、移动办公的需要。

    But the enterprises ' intra-network operates based on cable , which limits the desire for flexible office and mobile business .

  7. 工作场所或许很压抑,但披着灵活办公外衣的自由工作方式,或许会导致拖延和思维受阻。

    Workspaces can be oppressive , but a nomadic style that masquerades as agile work may lead to procrastination and thinking blocks .

  8. 报告称,80后雇员和使用灵活办公空间的跨国企业的数量增加是部分驱动因素。

    The emerging number of employees from the post-1980 generation and the increase in multinational corporations using flexible workspace are some of the drivers , the report said .

  9. 这确实突显了灵活办公的局限:我们需要有些界限,需要认识到,关门离开办公室和关闭电子邮件对员工们来说是一条必要的规矩。

    This does highlight the limits of agility : we need to have some parameters , a recognition that shutting the office door behind you and turning off your email is a necessary discipline for employees .

  10. 报告发现,与传统办公室相比,灵活办公空间可以平均节约25%的成本,提供更有活力的环境以提高员工留任率,拓宽接触有技能的员工和潜在商业伙伴的渠道。

    Compared to a traditional office , flexible workspaces can cut costs an average 25 % and provide a more dynamic environment to improve staff retention and broaden access to skilled staff and potential business partners , the report found .

  11. 如果你曾经被管理层剥夺了固定办公桌,被迫在“灵活办公区”找一张桌子用,忍受诡异的灯具和奇形怪状的桌椅,你将会深知其苦。

    You know the pain if you 're one of those folks whose management once shook things up by taking away your desk and forcing you to scrounge for space in a " flexible workspace " area with weird lighting fixtures and oddly shaped furniture .

  12. 首先,福利公司Care.com的老人服务副总裁朱迪•加斯特弗莱德表示:“要看到集体的力量。”她建议你们共同去找公司人力资源部的相关人员,谈谈灵活办公时间的问题。

    First , says Jody Gastfriend , vice president of senior services at benefits firm Care.com , " There is power in numbers . " She suggests you go as a group to speak with someone in your company 's HR department about the need for flextime .

  13. 对婴儿潮一代也是如此。CeridianLifeWorks为其员工提供灵活的办公时间,慷慨的员工援助计划,以及针对老人看护者的其他支持,虽然对于一家福利行业的公司来说,这并不令人感到意外。

    Not surprisingly for a company in the benefits business , Ceridian LifeWorks offers its employees flextime , a generous EAP , and other support for caregivers .

  14. 我们都不希望为了灵活的办公时间而跳槽。

    None of us wants to go work somewhere else to get flextime .

  15. 环节控制可灵活实现办公流程的自定义,通过赋予用户一定的自主权限,主动控制流转的发生。

    Tache control can realize the definition of Workflow flexibly , and control flow occurrence through awarding certain purview of users .

  16. 她认为:灵活的办公时间是首要问题。没有人会对你们的要求感到意外。

    Flexible hours are the No. 1 issue here , she notes , adding that no one is likely to be surprised by your request .

  17. AJAX技术在本系统中的成功应用,为我们提供了一种新Web软件的设计思路。论文最终构建了一个高效、可维护、可重用和灵活的教育厅办公系统。

    AJAX technology in the successful application of this system , which provides us with new ideas for a web design software . Finally , the article presents efficiency , maintainable , reusable and flexible office system for the provincial education department .

  18. 表明电讯家庭办公可以让工作地点更加灵活,从而提高办公效率。

    Prove that telecommuting can increase workplace flexibility and add to productivity .