
  • 网络the Castle;Nathan Fillion
  1. 《绝命毒师》和《国土安全》都很精彩,但看起来也很烧脑。如果想看一些让人舒适的节目,那得是《灵书妙探》。

    Breaking Bad and Homeland are brilliant but heavy TV , so shows like Castle are just the thing when you need the visual equivalent2 of a hot water bottle .

  2. 你们要是不介意,我想继续吃午饭了。(知名男演员,曾出演《萤火虫》、《灵书妙探》)

    So if you don 't mind , I would just love to eat my lunch .

  3. 《吸血鬼日记》和《灵书妙探》都已传出在下个月播出的剧集中将会有重要角色死亡的消息。

    We already know both The Vampire Diaries and Castle will bid goodbye to at least one important player next month .