
  1. 现有的装修合同缺少环境质量条款的规定,不利于受害人的救济。

    The item of environmental quality contract can not be found in the existing fitment contract .

  2. 对于合同责任,主要结合合同法的基本理论知识,明确了家庭装修合同的性质为承揽合同。

    In the category of the liability for breach of contract , on the basis of theoretical knowledge of contract law , we make clear that the nature of family fit-up contract is the contract for work .

  3. 所以,法院最终认定装修公司合同欺诈的理由不成立,驳回了许先生的诉讼请求。

    So , the court is maintained finally decorate the reason with company con contract not to hold water , rejected the litigant request that makes a gentleman .

  4. 浅谈装饰装修项目的合同管理与经济效益

    On Contractual Management and Economic Benefits of Decoration and Fitment Project

  5. 装修保修:按合同约定,由公司负责一定期限内的装修工程的维修。基于约束的多Agent装备维修协调决策

    Fit up and guarantee : according to the contract , our company will take charge of the maintenance of the equipment project in a certain time limited . Multi Agent Armament Maintenance Coordinated Decision Based on Constraint