
  1. 居室装修污染物与空气品质的灰色关联度分析

    Analysis of grey incidence about contamination produced by building materials and indoor air quality

  2. 甲醛是一种常见的室内装修污染物,这些年来不乏关于甲醛的多种生物毒性及对人类健康的影响的研究,并不断有研究表明,甲醛暴露能够引起人的哮喘现象或类似于哮喘的症状。

    Formaldehyde ( FA ) is a regular indoor air pollutant , which is reported that it is harmful for human health and it could cause human asthma and syndrome like asthma .

  3. 室内装修空气污染物的动态变化规律

    Dynamic changes regularity of pollutants in indoor air due to decoration

  4. 居室装修主要污染物的危害及其测量方法和防治措施

    The harm , measurement method and protective measures of main pollutants in house decoration

  5. 实验内容包括新装修房屋室内污染物监测,学校校园区及周边地区污水监测与处理,回收废旧干电池中有用资源等。

    The experimental involves the detecting of pollutants in the newly decorated house , monitoring and disposal of the sewage , and the resource recovery of the dry batteries .

  6. 结果显示使用不同装饰材料、不同装修时间室内污染物含量比较均有统计学意义;而使用不同板材家具室内污染物含量比较差异不显著。

    The results showed that comparing content of indoor pollutant between using different decoration material and different time of decoration was of statistics significance , but those using different material furniture showed little difference .

  7. 新装修住宅室内微污染物的测试与分析

    Field Measurement of Indoor Air Tiny Contaminants of New Decoration Residence

  8. 新装修住宅室内空气污染物&甲醛的污染调查分析与防治对策

    Investigation and Study of Formaldehyde as Indoor Air Pollution in Newly-decorated Houses

  9. 装修后办公室空气污染物浓度变化分析

    Analysis on air pollutant concentration in decorated office

  10. 本文介绍建筑装修工程室内环境污染物浓度检测的情况,分析污染物的来源,提出解决室内装修污染的方法和措施。

    This paper makes a brief introduction of density tests and sources analysis of the indoor environmental pollutants and provides treatments accordingly .

  11. 对新装修房室内空气污染物甲醛浓度进行了测定,并对新装修房的装修情况进行了调查。

    Determination of the Formaldehyde Concentration has been conducted and the general decoration states have been investigated in the newly decorated houses .

  12. 在整个装修期间,各污染物浓度随着装修阶段的不同呈现较大的波动。

    The pollution was of concern . ( 2 ) During the refurbishment period , the concentration of the pollutants varied in different refurbishment phases .

  13. 本文通过对室内装修空气中甲醛污染物的主要来源及对人体健康造成侵害的分析,提出了控制甲醛污染物的具体方法及治理技术。

    Base on analyzing the main source of formaldehyde pollution in indoor decoration and the infraction to people health , this paper brings forward the countermeasure and father technology .

  14. 论述了居室装修空气中主要污染物的种类、来源和对人体健康的危害,介绍了这些主要污染物的测量方法和防治措施。

    The article introduces the types and sources of main air pollutants in house decoration , the harm to health , and the measurement method and protective measures of these pollutants .

  15. 根据某市20户新装修住宅室内微污染物种类及浓度现场测试和问卷调查结果,分析了新装修住宅室内污染物的状况,研究了影响微污染物浓度高低的主要因素。

    According to the results of field measurement and questionnaire about indoor tiny contaminants concentration in twenty new decorated dwellings , the status of indoor contaminants is analyzed and the major factors effecting on indoor tiny contaminants concentration are researched .

  16. 结果室内空气甲醛浓度超标2.92倍以上,苯、二甲苯超标7.4~11.3倍及58.2~87.1倍。装修后室内空气污染物浓度随时间的延长呈下降趋势。

    Results The levels of formaldehyde , benzene and dimethylbenzene in indoor air exceeded ther related standards more than 2.92 times , 7.4-11.3 times , 58.2-87.1 times respectively , and showed a decreasing trend with the prolongation of time after decoration .