
  • 网络bpo
  1. 面粉增白剂品质及性能的研究

    A Study on the Quality and Function of the Brightener for Flour

  2. 面粉增白剂的应用及增白效果的影响因素

    Application of Flour Brightener and Effective Factors of Brightening Effect

  3. 面粉增白剂过氧化苯甲酰测定方法的比较

    Comparison of the Determination Method of Benzoyl Peroxide as a Bleacher in Wheat Flour

  4. 面粉增白剂的使用及生产安全

    Application and production safe of flour bleach

  5. 如何合理使用面粉增白剂

    How to Use Bleaching Agent Properly

  6. 面粉增白剂生产过程中发生爆炸的主要原因及防范措施

    Study on Main Causes of Explosion and Its Preventive Measures in the Production Process of Flour Brightening Agent

  7. 本文概述了面粉增白剂的增白机理,此外还讲述了面粉增白剂使用及生产安全。

    This paper reviewed the mechanism of increasing white color degree and introduced the safety in production of flour bleach .

  8. 结果表明,有两个品牌的国产面粉增白剂质量符合要求。

    The results showed that the quality of two kinds of flour brighteners made in China can meet the quality requirements .

  9. 通过对面粉增白剂作用原理和增白效果影响因素的分析,提出面粉增白剂的合理用量及添加方法。

    The acting principle of flour brightener and the effective factors of brightening effect were analysed . The reasonable addition level of brightener and adding methods were put forward .

  10. 目的:了解泰安市面粉中增白剂的添加情况。

    Objective : To understand the brightening agent adding condition of flour in Taian .

  11. 本法可直接用于小麦面粉中增白剂过氧化苯甲酰的测定。

    The samples of the local wheat flour were directly determined with the desirable results .

  12. 提出了用高效液相色谱分离和测定面粉中增白剂过氧化苯甲酰的新方法。

    A new method for the determination of benzoyl peroxide ( BPO ) bleach in wheat flour was developed by using high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) after decomposition of BPO to benzoic acid ( BA ) .

  13. kg-1,精密度试验、面粉和面粉增白剂实样测定的相对标准偏差为1.3%~2.8%、0.4%~0.9%,加标回收率为98.6%~102.2%、100.9%~105.7%,符合分析要求;

    The relative standard deviation ( RSD ) for accuracy test and flour test is 1.3 % ~ 2.8 % and 0.4 % ~ 0.9 % respectively , and the recovery is 98.6 % ~ 102.2 % and 100.9 % ~ 105.7 % respectively .

  14. 65家面粉生产企业呼吁严禁面粉滥用增白剂

    No Abusing Flour Bleaching Agents - Appeal from 65 Mill Manufacturers