
  • 网络white facial complexion
  1. 她吞吞吐吐,面色一阵白一阵红,很想倒入马吕斯怀里而又不敢。

    She stammered all pale , yet flushed , she wanted to fling herself into Marius'arms , and dared not .

  2. 2015年的一项研究显示,人们在愤怒时血流量更高,面部发红,而伤心时血流量则较低,面色偏白。

    A study from last year found that anger was associated with more blood flow and redness whilst sadness was associated with less of both .

  3. 学开车芝麻,话甘易啦,灯变绿,行,灯变红,停,教车师傅面色变白了,甘就开慢滴罗。

    Learning to drive is easy : go when it 's green , stop when it turns red , and slow down when your instructor turns white .

  4. 安德烈略微涨红了脸。她的面色略微转白了些。

    Andrea blushed imperceptibly . Her cheeks blanched slightly .

  5. 他回过脸来,稍微和缓些。她的面色略微转白了些。

    He turned round , sounding a little more conciliatory . Her cheeks blanched slightly .

  6. 脸色苍白、眼睛发红;苍白的面色现在变得更白。

    The looked pasty and red-eyed ; a complexion that had been pastelike was now chalky white .