
  • 网络mask oxygen inhalation
  1. 基础麻醉后行连续硬膜外麻醉,常规紧闭面罩给氧、辅助呼吸;

    Continuous epidural anesthesia were performed after basal anesthesia , and assistant respiration were performed with mask oxygen inhalation .

  2. 主要治疗措施为早期撤除免疫抑制剂,以面罩给氧、双水平气道正压通气或气管插管,及时纠正低氧血症;

    The main therapy included immunosuppressive removal at early stage , mask oxygen inhalation , bi-level airway pressure ventilation or tracheal intubation to correct the hypoxemia ;

  3. 其中16例NCPAP给氧1h后,11例NCPAP给氧2h后改用面罩给氧,并逐步撤氧。

    After using NCPAP for 1h and 2h , 16 cases and 11 cases were given veil oxygen respectively .

  4. Ⅲ组,不给氧,但SpO2下降至93%及以下时用面罩给氧;

    Group ⅲ, no offering oxygen , oxygen offering only performed by mask until SpO_2 is lower to 93 % ;

  5. Ⅲ组SpO2在2,4,6,8min均较麻醉前明显降低(P<0.05),50例中有23例病人因SpO2低于93%而需改为面罩给氧。

    In Group ⅲ SpO_2 decreased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) 2,4,6,8 min after anesthesia compared to before anesthesia . 23 of 50 need oxygen offered by mask because of SpO_2 < 93 % .

  6. 早产儿用面罩给氧后抗氧化水平的变化

    Change of Antioxidative Level in Prematures after Face-masked Oxygen Supply

  7. Ⅲ组,面罩给氧;

    Group ⅲ, offering oxgen with mask ;

  8. 呼吸囊&面罩给氧在早期脑复苏中的作用

    The affect of oxygen supply by breather bag-face cover during the early stage of brain regain consciousness

  9. 临床随机试验:在新生儿初级的复苏期经鼻导管间断性加压给氧与经面罩给氧的疗效比较

    A randomized trial comparing oxygen delivery on intermittent positive pressure with nasal cannulae versus facial mask in neonatal primary resuscitation

  10. 结论辅以内镜面罩给氧进行无痛胃镜检查在维持生命体征指标上优于鼻塞管给氧,使无痛胃镜检查更为安全。

    Conclusion The application of oxygen inhalation with a special facial mask during propofol-sedated gastroscopy appears to be more safer than that of oxygen inhalation via snuffle tube .

  11. 结果102例115次机械通气途径:经鼻面罩给氧18次,经鼻插管68次,经口插管29次;

    Results The route of mechanical ventilation in 102 patients ( 115 times ) included administration of oxygen via nasal mask ( 18 times ), nasal intubation ( 69 times ) and oral intubation ( 29 times ) .

  12. 结论无痛胃镜检查,不给氧不可取,用鼻导管给氧存在一定风险,而用麻醉机面罩给氧和进行高频喷射通气给氧是安全有效的方法。

    Conclusion Painless gastroscopy , no oxygen offering no proper , and offering oxygen with nose tube is dangerous , the safe and valid ways are offering oxygen with mask of anesthesia machine and with high frequency jet ventilation .

  13. 结论:CPCR抢救中,紧急气管插管失败后,气囊面罩加压给氧可作为过渡时期简单有效的通气方法。

    Conclusion : When tracheal intubation has failed , facemask with gasbag pressure ventilation can be one kind of effective ventilation method in emergency treatment of CPCR .

  14. 方法确诊的肺癌患者30例随机分为联合治疗组和单纯放疗对照组,前者采用BiPAP呼吸机经鼻面罩正压通气给氧联合常规放疗,后者采用常规放疗(6MVX)。

    Methods Thirty cases of lung cancer were randomly divided into two groups : ① combining therapy group : patients treated with positive pressure ventilation using BiPAP respirator and radiotherapy ;