
  • 网络communication information;contact information
  1. 即时通讯信息包括即时通讯号码、用户网上注册资料信息、登录信息、聊天记录、视频图像、录音等。

    Instant communication includes instant communication numbers , users registration information in the net , landing information , chatting records , video images and tapes etc.

  2. 但随着互联网安全问题日益突出,保证群组成员间通讯信息的安全、限制非群组成员对群组通讯内容访问就显得极为重要。

    But with the Internet security problems have become increasingly serious , ensuring the communication of information among the group members , restricting non-group members of the group to access the content of communications become extremely important .

  3. 基于AO开发电力通讯信息系统若干关键问题的研究

    Study on Several Key Technologies in Electric-Communication Information System Based on AO

  4. 很受欢迎的聊天工具WhatsApp使用Signal的软件为自己的通讯信息加密。

    WhatsApp , the popular chat tool , uses Signal 's software to encrypt its messaging .

  5. 如果你通过专用网络在网上购物或使用Gmail邮箱或进行远程操作,那你的通讯信息可能不像你所认为的那么安全。

    If you make purchases online or use Gmail or sign into work remotely over a private network , your communications may not be as safe as you think .

  6. 兰巴斯密码研究公司(RambusCryptographyResearchDivision)总裁保罗·科克(PaulKocher)并没有参与这篇论文的撰写。他表示,论文把针对加密的争论对象,从情报机构究竟应该拥有多大权限,变成了获取加密通讯信息的特殊权限的技术基础。

    Paul Kocher , the president of the Rambus Cryptography Research Division , who did not write the paper , said it shifted the debate over encryption from how much power intelligence agencies should have to the technological underpinnings of gaining special access to encrypted communications .

  7. 为什么我看不到一些会员的详细通讯信息?

    Why can 't I see the contact information of some members ?

  8. 美中之间在海洋和通讯信息领域都有摩擦。

    The United States and China have had confrontations at sea and in cyberspace .

  9. 把获取加密通讯信息的密钥交给政府,需要非同寻常的信任。

    Handing governments a key to encrypted communications would also require an extraordinary degree of trust .

  10. 这些广告不是像即时通讯信息那样发送,而是出现在公众帐号页面的底部。

    The ads are not distributed as instant messages ; they appear at the bottom of corporate pages .

  11. 阿联酋表示,这些服务对国家安全构成威胁,因为它们使得政府无法访问或监视用户的通讯信息。

    The UAE says the services are a threat to national security because government officials cannot access or monitor users'information .

  12. 此次演习双方通过实际演练,达到应急反应迅速,通讯信息畅通,资源配合默契的目的。

    It is believed that the joint exercise will strengthen mutual cooperation so as to enhance both sides'quick response to emergency .

  13. 这些举动重新引起了人们对阿联酋和沙特阿拉伯监控通讯信息的关注。

    These moves renew concern among some people about efforts by the UAE and Saudi Arabia to control the flow of information .

  14. “在百分之九十五的严重犯罪案件中,通讯信息都构成了一份起诉证据中重要的成分,”一位安全官员这样说道。

    " Communications data forms an important element of prosecution evidence in95 per cent of serious crime cases ," a security source said .

  15. 英国等国在数据保护方面有着非常不同的理念,在获取通讯信息方面的法律也非常不同。

    Countries such as the UK , had a very different philosophy about data protection , and very different laws granting access to communications .

  16. 中国公司已经打算在美国境内修建设施,用以存放电子通讯信息,所以这个问题并非凭空想象。

    Chinese firms already have plans to build facilities on American soil that would store electronic communications , so the question may be more than hypothetical .

  17. 研究人员分析了这部分数据以及来自公司服务器的电邮和即时通讯信息,以衡量人们彼此交流的前后差异。

    This data was analysed together with email and instant messaging info from the company 's servers to measure differences in how people were communicating with each other .

  18. 他们还表示,如果美国和英国强行要求持有通讯信息的后门密钥,那么也会刺激海外市场上的中国等国家的政府采取同样的举动。

    They added that if the United States and Britain mandated backdoor keys to communications , China and other governments in foreign markets would be spurred to do the same .

  19. 通过查看呼叫记录和信息应用程序就能获得大部分相关信息,但是文本分析仪将所有通讯信息汇集到一起。

    Much of this information could be found by checking the device 's call log and messaging apps , but the Textalyzer aggregates all of that information in one place .

  20. 由于因特网上的安全威胁日益严重,所以大多数多播应用都需要保证群组成员间通讯信息的安全性,并限制非群组成员对群组通讯内容的访问。

    As the security threats on the Internet increase , many multicast applications need to secure the communications between the group members and to restrict access of the multicast communications to only the legitimate subscribers .

  21. 曲别针项目会通过要求科技产品制造商在产品中加入一个小型芯片硬件,在加密系统里形成一个漏洞,以此保证政府总能解密复杂的通讯信息。

    Clipper would have poked a hole in cryptographic systems by requiring technology manufacturers to include a small hardware chip in their products that would have ensured that the government would always be able to unlock scrambled communications .

  22. 这些专家在报告中表示,任何赋予政府获得加密通讯信息等特殊权限的做法,从技术层面而言都不具有可行性,而且会使机密数据及银行和电网等基础设施暴露在风险之下。

    In the report , the group said any effort to give the government exceptional access to encrypted communications was technically unfeasible and would leave confidential data and critical infrastructure like banks and the power grid at risk .

  23. 法官艾利森·内森表示,该事件“情节严重,骇人听闻”,应予以重判。他还补充说道,由于乐成的通讯信息在网上被截获,所以该事件并未致人员伤害。

    Judge Alison Nathan said the " horrible , serious and quite terrifying offense " required a severe sentence , but added that no one had been harmed by the plot because Le 's communications were intercepted online .

  24. 这些专家在报告中表示,任何赋予政府获得加密通讯信息等“特殊权限”的做法,从技术层面而言都不具有可行性,而且会使机密数据及银行和电网等基础设施暴露在风险之下。

    In the report , the group said any effort to give the government " exceptional access " to encrypted communications was technically unfeasible and would leave confidential data and critical infrastructure like banks and the power grid at risk .

  25. 电子商务面临的主要问题包括:通讯信息技术网络、社会参与问题、标准问题、税收问题、安全问题、知识产权与隐私权问题、法律规范问题。

    The main problems facing to E-business includes : comunication and information and techonology network , social participation problem , criterion problem , tax problem , safety problem , knowledge property right and privacy right problem , and law standard problem .

  26. 如何利用现代通讯信息技术,将现代管理思想有效的运用于企业来组织生产,从而提高企业市场竞争力,是我国制造业所面临的紧迫任务。

    It is the urgent task for our manufacturing enterprises to organize the production efficiently and to improve their competitive power in the market by means of the utilization of the communication science , the information technology and modern management philosophy .

  27. 文化、地域、语言的差别与隔阂,通讯信息技术的发展以及越来越多令人眼花缭乱的可选商品,人们要做的选择从来没有如此艰难和繁杂过。

    The differences and barriers between Cultural , geographical and language ; the development of information communicate technology ; and more and more dazzling options of product , the choices customer have to face have never be so difficult and complicated .

  28. 近年来随高分子科学的发展,开发了各种高强度、高功能的新材料,各种新材料已经应用到通讯信息、海洋、航空等高新产业。

    Nearly years , with the development of high-molecular science , several new types of materials like high-strength and high-function materials are explored . A kind of new materials is already used in new industry such as communication information , oceanic and aeronautical industries and so on .

  29. 随着电子商务的兴起,使得Internet的服务模式从传统的数据通讯和信息浏览模式向电子交易与服务转换,这种转换使得Web服务的应用范围越来越广泛。

    With the widespread proliferation of e-Business , the Internet service model transformed from data communication and information browsing to electronic trading and services , which bring Web Services to be widely employed .

  30. 采用这种方法不仅对自动化生产线故障显示准确及时,而且减少了PLC与计算机通讯的信息量。

    This method not only makes the display of the fault number of the automatic production line accurate and prompt , but also reduces the communication between PLC and computers .