
  • 网络Communication Automation System;cas
  1. 鉴于将通信自动化系统(CAS)以及办公自动化系统(OAS)完全融入现代建筑中,需要有强大的智能管理系统。

    The powerful intelligent management system is required when communication automation system and office automation system are implemented in modern building .

  2. 广州供电局电力通信自动化系统建设方案

    Scheme of power communication automation system in Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau

  3. 楼宇控制系统是智能化大楼的三个自动化系统(即通信自动化系统CA、办公自动化系统OA、楼宇自动化系统BA)中最为复杂的一个系统。

    The control system of a high building is the most complicated one in the three systems of an intelligent building ( CA , OA and BA ) .

  4. 微型计算机分散控制式微波通信自动化系统结构

    Architecture of Microcomputer-based and Decentralized Control System for Microwave Communication

  5. 智能建筑是楼宇自动化系统、通信自动化系统和办公自动化系统三者通过结构化综合布线系统和计算机网络技术的有机集成,其中建筑环境是智能建筑的支持平台。

    Intelligence architecture is the organic integration of building , communication and office automation system using comprehensive wiring system and computer network . The architecture environment is the support platform of intelligence architecture .

  6. 智能大厦的通信自动化网络系统

    Communication Automation System Network of Intelligent Building

  7. 本文研究微波通信自动化控制系统的结构。

    In this paper , the architecture of automatic control system for microwave Communication is studied .

  8. 卫星通信设备自动化测试系统的应用

    Application of Satellite Communication Equipment Automatic Testing System

  9. 介绍了卫星地面站通信设备自动化测试系统的组成、工作原理及系统测试项目。

    The composition , principle and testing items of the automatic testing system for satellite communication equipments are introduced in this paper .

  10. 对基于变电站通信网络和自动化系统的国际标准&IEC61850的变电站过程层进行了研究。

    The process level of substation , which is based on the international standard IEC61850 of substation communication network and automatic system , is researched .

  11. 我们的产品广泛用于航天、航空、航海、兵器、国防工程、通信、自动化控制系统、仪器仪表及民用电子整机。

    Our products are used widely in spaceflight , aviation , navigation , weapon , national defence engineering , communications , automatic control system , instrument and civil electronic equipment .

  12. 文章阐述了结构化综合布线系统的技术概况,介绍了三峡通航管理大楼办公自动化与通信自动化综合布线系统的技术方案、实施细节。

    This paper illustrates the general technical conditions of Structure Cable System , and introduces the project and practice of Structure Cable System of office automation and communication automation in the building of Sanxia Shipping Management Building .

  13. 里根的问题引出了一系列各部门协作的备忘录与研究,15个月后,这些研究达到了顶峰,里根签署了机密的国家安全决策指导方案NSDD-145,名为《电子通信与自动化信息系统安全国家政策》。

    Reagan 's question set off a series of interagency memos and studies that culminated , 15 months later , in his signing a classified national security decision directive , NSDD-145 , titled " National Policy on Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems Security . "

  14. 基于VISUALBASIC的串行通信技术在自动化监控系统中的应用

    The serial communication technology applications in automatic monitor systems based on the Visual Basic

  15. 基于GPRS无线通信的配变自动化系统研究

    Research about distribution automatic system based on GPRS wireless communication

  16. 基于USB接口的通信控制器在变电站自动化系统中的应用和设计

    The Application and Design of Based on USB Interface of Communication Controller Which Is in Substation Automatization System

  17. IEC61850标准是基于通用网络通信平台的变电站自动化系统唯一国际标准,目的是使变电站内不同厂家的智能电子设备实现互操作。

    IEC 61850 standard , is the only international standard based on the universal network communication platform for substation automation system . The purpose of the standard is to realize interoperability for substation IEDs from different manufactures .

  18. 基于无线窄带数据通信网的配电自动化系统

    Research of distribution automation system based on the radio narrowband date communication network

  19. 通信网络是配电自动化系统的关键组成部分。

    Communication network is an important part of distri-bution automation ( DA ) system .

  20. 简要讨论光纤通信技术在舰船自动化系统中的应用。

    In this paper it is discussed that an application of fiber-optic communications technology in ASNV .

  21. 变电站通信系统是变电站自动化系统的关键组成部分,其性能的提高直接影响着整个变电站系统的自动化水平。

    The communicaton sub-system of substation is one of the essential parts which plays an important role in the whole automation level of substation .

  22. PCM设备是电力通信网中重要的接入设备,在电力调度通信自动化系统中起着重要的作用。

    PCM is an important access device for power communication network , and it plays an important part in electric power communication and automation system .

  23. 日新月异的计算机技术使电力实时监控和远动技术正朝着功能分散化、通信网络化的方向发展,数据通信成为厂站自动化系统的核心。

    With the rapid development of computer technology , electric power real-time supervisor control and far control technology are advancing towards distributed function and network communication , data communication becomes core point of automation system .

  24. IEC61850标准变电站通信网络与系统,是基于通用网络通信平台的变电站自动化系统唯一标准,反映了变电站自动化技术的发展方向,引起了国内外电力工作者的广泛关注。

    IEC 61850 " Communication networks and systems in substations " which is the only one international standard for substation automation based on general communication platforms , reflects the trend of substation automation technology , and arouses extensive concern of people who are engaged in Power System field .