
  • 网络enterprise engineering;business engineering
  1. 基于Internet的企业工程知识库能够帮助企业工程学科的发展,促进企业工程的知识为企业服务。

    The Internet based knowledge base of the enterprise engineering ( IBKBEE ) can be used to promote the development of the discipline of the enterprise engineering and the service for the enterprise by using the knowledge of the enterprise engineering .

  2. 过程在现代企业工程中占有重要地位。

    Process plays an important role in contemporary enterprise engineering .

  3. 基于Web技术构建施工企业工程管理信息系统

    Building a Construction Enterprise Project Management Information System Based on Web Technologies

  4. 石化施工企业工程项目实施HSE管理初探

    The Primary Search of HSE Management in Construction Project of Petrochemical Construction Company

  5. 介绍了石化施工企业工程项目实施HSE管理的具体做法及实施HSE管理后带来的HSE理念上的变化。

    This article introduces the detailed methods and the conception changing after executing HSE management in the construction project of the Petrochemical Construction Company .

  6. 在分析目前施工企业工程造价管理现状的基础上,阐述了加入WTO后施工企业工程造价管理改革措施中建立工程造价数据库及人才培训。

    Based on the current state of affairs of the engineering cost management of the construction enterprises , this article explains the engineering cost database and personnel training among the reform moves of the enginering cost management for the construction enterprises after China 's entry into WTO .

  7. 摘要为了防止图文档的流失,分析了目前中小企业工程资料存在的安全隐患,介绍了pdm图文档安全管理的必要性,给出了采用综合保密、加密措施保证图文档安全的方案及其实现方法。

    In order to prevent PDM document from losing , the article analysed the hidden trouble in security which mid-mini corporations project datum had presently , explained the necessity of PDM document security management , and introduced the scheme and realization method of using encryption measure to protect document .

  8. 施工企业工程信息的搜集筛选与跟踪

    Acquisition , screening and tracing of engineering information of construction enterprises

  9. 施工企业工程建设中常见风险及防范措施

    Common Risks in Engineering Construction by Construction Enterprises and Their Countermeasures

  10. 施工企业工程造价管理存在问题及分析

    An Analysis of Problems in Engineering Cost Administration of Construction Enterprises

  11. 对加强石油施工企业工程项目管理的几点思考

    Reflection on Strengthening Project Item Management of Petroleum Construction Enterprise

  12. 如何提高企业工程项目管理标准化水平?

    How to improve the level of CPMS in enterprises ?

  13. 浅谈施工企业工程机械设备租赁

    Talking about the Engineering Equipment Lease of the Construction Enterprise

  14. 浅议施工企业工程项目效益评估

    Talking about the Project Benefit Evaluation of the Construction Enterprises

  15. 施工企业工程成本中有关问题的思考

    The Consideration of the Related Problems of Construction Cost in Construction Enterprises

  16. 施工企业工程拖欠款问题及对策研究建筑业工程款拖欠的成因及治理措施

    Study on the Engineering Arrearage of Construction Enterprise and Countermeasures

  17. 企业工程设计档案的开发与利用

    The Development and Utilization of Enterprise 's Engineering Design Archives

  18. 建筑企业工程管理人员绩效考核体系研究

    Research on Project Managers Performance Appraisal System about Construction Enterprise

  19. 对当前建筑施工企业工程造价管理问题的探讨

    On the project cost management of current building construction enterprise

  20. 浅谈施工企业工程拖欠款形成的原因及对策

    The reasons caused the in arrears with project payment in construction enterprises

  21. 施工企业工程项目部的建设浅论

    Discussing about the perfection of project department in Construction Company

  22. 施工企业工程承包合同管理诌议

    The tentative discussion about the contract management of construction enterprises

  23. 施工企业工程材料管理审计方法探索

    Search into Construction Enterprise 's Material Control Auditing Method

  24. 建筑施工企业工程项目全寿命集成化管理与风险控制

    Integrated Life-cycle Management and Risk Control of Engineering Projects

  25. 浅谈施工企业工程投标报价的编制和报价技巧

    Primary Discussion about Composition of Engineering Bidding Quotation and Quotation Skill for Construction Enterprises

  26. 企业工程技术人员劳动计量的途径及方法

    Approaches and Methods of the Labour Metrology for Engineering and Technical Personnel in Enterprise

  27. 施工企业工程造价风险及应对策略

    Measures to Cost Risk of Constructing Enterprises

  28. 铁路施工企业工程项目物流发展模式研究

    Railway Construction Enterprise Project Logistics Development Model

  29. 浅谈工程量清单计价下的施工企业工程造价管理

    The resilience detailed list counts under the price the construction enterprise project construction cost management

  30. 如何加强施工企业工程项目的造价管理

    How to Enhance Management of Cost and Valuation of Work for Construction Project in Construction Enterprises