
  1. 本文认为,加入WTO以后,国际市场价格开始对我国畜产品市场发生作用,我国畜牧企业经营规模小、经营效率低等具体问题开始显现;

    After entering into WTO , affected by the price in the international market , such problems as small scale and low efficiency have appeared in some enterprises producing or selling livestock products .

  2. 然而随着市场竞争日渐激烈,企业经营规模开始收缩,经营环境复杂程度不断加深,VMI管理模式也开始显现其不足。

    However , because of the global business compete of gradually vigorous and the scale of firm beginning to shrink as well as the more complicated business environment , the VMI model is beginning to show its defect .

  3. 公路施工企业经营规模合理性的探讨(Ⅰ)

    Analysis on rational scale of highway construction company ( I )

  4. 建筑企业经营规模初探

    Initial exploration into the business scope of construction enterprises

  5. 浙江小型巨人企业经营规模与企业绩效的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Business Scale and Enterprise Performance of Zhejiang " Minitype Giant "

  6. 随着企业经营规模的扩大,越来越多的传统商业零售企业加大了进行信息化建设的力度,其中以信息化为基础的电子商务建设最为突出。

    With the expansion of business , many traditional commercial retails enterprise informatization construction , especially the increase in information base of e-commerce development .

  7. 融资难问题并不凸显,随着配套企业经营规模的扩大和经营业绩的增长,企业的融资成本不断下降;

    Financing problem is not distinct . With the growth of the scale and the improvement of the performance , financing cost has been decreasing ;

  8. 在市场经济条件下,通过兼并收购等资产重组方式,吸收外部资源,扩大企业经营规模,是现代企业发展的重要途径。

    It is an important approach for modern enterprises to absorb external resources and enlarge business scope through reorganization of assets by ways of merging or purchasing under the circumstance of market economy .

  9. 随着医药企业经营规模的不断扩大,企业的业务量成倍增长,管理客户量不断增加,传统的客户管理模式已经远远不能适应建立现代医药企业的需要。

    With the continuous expansion of pharmaceutical enterprise s ' operation scale , enterprises ' business amount increase doubly , therefore traditional customer management mode is not suitable to build modern pharmaceutical enterprise .

  10. 本研究提出产业集群化、企业经营规模化和其它产业组织创新和优化方式。

    This research put forward industry centralizations , enterprise scale management , and the optimization way of industrial organization . Industry centralization had remarkably driven the development of rural industrialization in eastern littoral region .

  11. 现代企业的经营规模亦是空前。

    Companies are operating at record scale , too .

  12. 随着企业的经营规模的扩大,需要开始进行二期工程建设。

    The company needs to start building the second phase with the expansion of business scale .

  13. 外资并购是现今跨国企业扩大经营规模,壮大经济力量,提高经济效益最重要的手段之一。

    Foreign mergers and acquisitions is one of the most important means of expand the operation scale , improving economic efficiency , expanding economic power .

  14. 连锁经营是不少服务企业扩大经营规模的必由之路,但在企业扩张的过程中会遇到品牌内涵传递的不一致性问题。

    Chain-store operation is an inevitable way for service firms to expand the scale of operation . However , there may be inconsistencies during the brand connotation delivery .

  15. 经营者集中是市场经济活动中的常见现象,尤其在当代,经营者集中逐渐成为企业扩大经营规模以寻求发展的一种常规方式。

    In economic activities , concentration of undertakings is a normal phenomenon , especially in the contemporary ; the concentration is becoming a regular way for enterprises to expanding their scales for further development .

  16. 苜蓿企业在经营规模扩大时适当引进价值链管理,根据价值链管理的思想,不断完善质量管理、品牌管理、人才管理、研发管理和组织管理等相关工作。

    With the expansion of operating scale , alfalfa industry should introduce the value chain management and improve the quality management , brand management , talent management , R & D management , organizational management .

  17. 德国中小企业具有经营规模小、专业性强、产品质量高、适应市场变化快及重视技术创新等特点。

    Small scale of operation , high specialization , excellent quality of production , adapting fast to the market transformation , as well as valuing technologic innovation are all the characteristics of Germany 's SMEs .

  18. 在这个知识经济和信息社会的时代,企业的经营规模越来越大,对这些企业的审计也变得越来越复杂。

    In the times of knowledge-based economy and information society , As the scale of enterprise is becoming more bigger , the audit for these enterprise has become more and more complex at the same time .

  19. 而实践证明,绝大部分纳税人的用电量决定着企业生产经营规模,与企业销售收入有着直接的固定的对应关系,是企业生产经营中不可更改的关键信息。

    The Practice has proved that the consumption of vast majority of taxpayers determines the scale of production and operations , which has a direct correspondence with sales revenue and is unchanged critical information in production and operations .

  20. 同时,作为利益链条上的铝型材生产企业,生产经营规模和收入快速增长。

    Meanwhile , the operation scale and income scale of aluminum production enterprise of the chain of interests grew rapidly .

  21. 本土连锁超市企业无论从经营规模上,还是营销理念上与跨国零售企业相比都存在着较大的差距。

    There is a big gap between the local supermarket chains and the transnational retail enterprises in terms of enterprise scale and marketing idea .

  22. 企业的生产经营规模小、经济实力较弱依然是提升农业企业竞争力的制约因素。

    The paper gets the following conclusions : 1 The small production scale and weak economic condition are still main factors which seriously restrict the promotion of our agro-enterprises ' competence .

  23. 资产负债率是反映工业企业负债经营相对规模的衡量尺度,也是反映债权人资产经营风险的重要指标。

    Assets-liability ratio reflects the comparative scale of an industrial enterprise of assets-liability ratio and it is a significant indicator of the risk that a creditor takes in his assets management .

  24. 我们只要稍微懂得一点工商历史就会明白,对那些无竞争优势的企业而言,经营规模并不能起长期的保护作用;而对那些确有竞争优势的企业来说。

    As long as we know a little about the history of industry and commerce , we will understand that the scale of operation could not long-term protect the enterprise that has no competitive advantages .

  25. 并购是企业扩大生产经营规模、实施一体化和多元化经营战略、调整产品结构和增强竞争能力的重要途径。

    Merger and acquisition is an important approach for enterprises to enlarging their production and operation scales implementing the integration or diversification strategy , adjusting the structure of their products and improving their competitiveness in the market .

  26. 第一,小企业的经营活动的规模。

    First , there is the scale of their activities .

  27. 论文针对船舶工业属大型复杂制造系统的特点,从船舶建造的工厂规模经济和造船企业生产经营的企业规模经济两个层面,深入剖析了船舶工业的规模经济性。

    On the other hand , the economic scale of shipbuilding enterprises is analyzed .

  28. 库存周转分析是一种常见的库存控制方法,它反映了企业经营的效率、规模及管理水平。

    Analysis of spare parts stock turnover is a regular method of stock control , which reflects the efficiency , scale and management level of an enterprise .

  29. 并购重组是企业迅速扩大生产经营规模,调整产业结构,促进资本集中和优化资源配置,实现企业外部增长目标的重要途径。

    Mergers and Acquisitions are important ways for enterprises to expand production operation scale , to promote capital intensity and optimize the allocation of resources , and to reach the goal of external growth .

  30. 随着20多年来的改革和发展,中国企业的跨国经营初具规模,使用“中国跨国公司”这一概念具有客观必然性和必要性。

    With the reform and development in the past 20 years , the multinational operation of the Chinese enterprises have achieved the preliminary scale , which makes the use of the concept " Chinese multinational companies " possible and necessary .