
  • 网络Marketing Strategy
  1. 我国兽用生物制品企业营销战略的研究

    Study on Marketing Strategy of Veterinary Biological Products Enterprises in China

  2. 武汉市区域性物流企业营销战略创新研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy Innovation of Regional Logistics Enterprises in Wuhan

  3. 第二部分对唐人神休闲食品进行了SWOT分析,企业营销战略决定于企业战略和企业内外环境的发展变化,企业内外环境的分析为企业营销战略的选择提供了依据。

    In Chapter 2 , through the SWOT analysis , the author draws a conclusion that enterprise marketing strategies are decided by the development and change of the enterprise and the inner and outside environment of the enterprise . The analysis provides the basis to the marketing strategies as well .

  4. 东风公司汽车零部件企业营销战略研究

    Research on Market Strategies Adopted by Dongfeng Auto Parts Companies

  5. 汽车消费信贷与汽车企业营销战略

    Auto consumption Credit and Marketing Strategy of The Auto Enterprises

  6. 绿色营销:企业营销战略新趋势

    Green Marketing : New Trend of Corporate Marketing Strategy

  7. 论企业营销战略转型&从数量营销到全面质量营销

    Enterprises ' Marketing Strategy Transformation : From Quantity Marketing to Overall Quality Marketing

  8. 分布事务的无阻塞调度多重阻击下的企业营销战略分析

    The Non - blocking Schedule Strategy for Distributed Transactions

  9. 我国钟表市场研究及企业营销战略

    The Proposal of the Chinese Watch & Clock Market Research and Enterprises Sales Strategy

  10. 市场营销中的观念竞争及其对企业营销战略的影响

    The Concept Competition in the Marketing and Its Influence on Enterprise 's Marketing Strategy

  11. 销售渠道审计:决胜企业营销战略的前提

    Auditing of sale channels : a prerequisite for the success of business marketing strategy

  12. 倾销指控与出口企业营销战略

    Dumping Charges and Marketing Strategies of Exporting Enterprises

  13. 新形势下的中小企业营销战略

    Marketing Strategies of the Middle and Small Size Enterprises under the New Economic Situations

  14. 我国饭店业已步入竞争激烈的微利时代,面对日趋饱和的市场空间和雷同的饭店产品,如何留住有价值的忠诚宾客成为新形势下饭店企业营销战略的关注重点。

    The hotel industry in China today has entered into a period of intense competition .

  15. 网络营销是数字经济时代,企业营销战略中重要的组成部分。

    Online-marketing is the significant part of the marketing strategy in a company in digital era .

  16. 顾客满意度、企业营销战略与社会福利变化分析

    Analysis on Customer Satisfaction ' Marketing Strategy of Modern Enterprise and the Change of Social Welfare

  17. 本文是关于中国家电企业营销战略专题研究的论文。

    This thesis is a monograph , which is about the domestic home appliance enterprise marketing strategy .

  18. 本文正是在这种环境下对中国冰箱生产企业营销战略中营销渠道模式选择这一问题作了一些探讨。

    This thesis is going to study how to choose the model of the marketing channels on this background .

  19. 合作广告作为一种有效的供应链合作机制,在服装企业营销战略中占据着重要地位。

    Cooperative advertising as an effective collaboration mechanism in supply chain , it plays an important role in clothing marketing strategy .

  20. 成都赛维芦荟制品公司营销战略研究&兼论我国中小化妆品企业营销战略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Chengdu SAV Aloe Ltd. Company & Research on Marketing Strategy of Small Cosmetic Enterprise in China

  21. 以利润为导向的现代企业营销战略中,营销费用的利用效益直接影响战略实现的程度和质量。

    The efficiency created by marketing expenditure influences greatly and deeply the degree and validity of the modern profit-oriented marketing strategy realizing .

  22. 庞大的网络用户形成了巨大的消费群体,让网络营销逐渐成为企业营销战略的重要组成部分。

    The vast network of users formed a huge consumer group marketing space , network marketing is becoming an important part of the corporate marketing strategy .

  23. 与此相适应,企业营销战略的思路也应实现三个转变:从创造使用价值为主转变为创造符号价值为主;

    Accordingly , the thought of enterprise 's marketing strategy should realize three transformations : the transformation from mainly creating use value to create symbolic value ;

  24. 然而如何在网络经济中建立新型营销战略以及传统企业营销战略如何成功转型,却是众多企业困惑的问题。

    However , how to innovate new marketing strategy in net economy and how to realize transformation of traditional marketing strategy successfully are still problems that confused many enterprises .

  25. 企业营销战略作为企业战略系统中的一个重要部分,是企业迎战日趋激烈的市场竞争的关键。

    As an important part of enterprise strategy system , enterprise marketing strategy is the key point to face the marketing competition which has been increasing violently day by day .

  26. 总的来说,在制定企业营销战略时需注意树立正确的现代营销理念和必须重视和正确运用市场营销策略。

    In general , when making enterprises marketing sales stratagem , they have to build up correct modern marketing sales concept and think much of and use marketing sales stratagem correctly .

  27. 第一部分介绍唐人神集团背景,并分析了几种企业营销战略,另外介绍了国内外休闲食品的基本情况。

    Chapter 1 is concerned with the background of Tang Ren Shen Group and the basic instance of snack food in the world , It also analyzes several modern marketing strategy .

  28. 其作为方便面行业乃至快速消费品行业企业营销战略的制订与执行的实例,具有一定的参考价值。

    It is hoped that the paper will have reference value for instant noodles companies and even some fast moving consumer goods companies especially when they need to do their market plans .

  29. 品牌定位是在消费者心目中确定一个独特的位置,使本品牌和竞争品牌相区分,或使品牌与消费者的特定需求和目标相联系,它在企业营销战略中居于十分重要的地位。

    Brand positioning is to differentiate the brand from other alternatives or associate it with consumers ' benefits , needs and goals , and it is an essential component of marketing strategy .

  30. 在传统的商业环境中,品牌一直是企业营销战略的核心内容,消费者长期的品牌忠诚也是企业获取丰厚回报的主要来源。

    In the traditional business environment , the brand is always the core content of the enterprise marketing strategy , consumers ' long-term of brand loyalty is profitable enterprises to acquire the main source .