
  • 网络Business Leadership
  1. 根据企业领导力委员会招聘调查服务(CorporateLeadershipCouncilRecruiting,简称CLCRecruiting)的统计,在具有招聘权的经理人当中,只有三分之一的经理人对招聘给自己业务带来的影响感到满意。

    Only one in three managers who have hiring authority is satisfied with the influence recruiting has on their business , according to the Corporate Leadership Council recruiting Research Service .

  2. 国内企业领导力研究及相关建议

    Research into leadership ability of domestic enterprises and the related suggestions

  3. 企业领导力开发实施中,有效性是各企业关注的核心问题。

    During the leadership development process , effectiveness is a core issue of common concern to enterprises .

  4. 同时,分析了中小企业领导力存在问题主要是由于自身因素和外部环境因素造成的。

    Meanwhile , analyzes the existing problems of small and medium-sized enterprises leadership is largely due to its own factors and external environment factors .

  5. 中小企业领导力存在的问题主要包括:企业内部领导人才匮乏;领导力质量不高;领导力成本较高。

    Small and medium-sized enterprise leadership problems mainly includes : enterprise internal leaders deficient ; Leadership quality is not high , Leadership cost is higher .

  6. 企业领导力的发展趋势体现在以下三个方面:跨学科创新、肩负更多的社会责任和成为国际化企业的领导者。

    Enterprise leadership development trend reflected in the following three aspects : interdisciplinary innovation , shoulder more social responsibility and become an international enterprise leaders .

  7. 在经济全球化的背景下,切实有效地提升企业领导力、构建和强化企业全球化领导力,是促进企业持续、健康、稳步地发展的关键因素。

    In the background of economic globalization , promoting the leadership effectively and strengthening the global leadership is the critical factor for the enterprise to develop continually , healthily , steadily .

  8. 这些分析均体现了企业领导力开发活动的系统性,即企业有效的领导力开发应体现为一个整合各相关要素的系统。

    To sum up , these analyses all highlight the importance of systematic enterprise leadership development activities . That is to say , effective enterprise leadership development requires a system that integrates all relevant elements .

  9. 我越来越把MBA视为更深入理解企业和领导力的下一步。

    Increasingly , I came to see an MBA as the next step to understand businesses and leadership in more depth .

  10. 西门子:变革世界中的企业战略领导力

    Siemens : Enterprise Strategic Leadership in the Changing World

  11. 构建企业设计领导力模型的初步探索

    A preliminary search of constructing corporation design leadership model

  12. 企业设计领导力研究

    The Research on Design Leadership of Corporation

  13. 在近期进行的一次在线讨论会上,我们向小企业与领导力领域的专家们提出了一个问题&有效的导师有哪些共同品质?

    In a recent online panel , we asked our experts in small business and leadership what qualities effective mentors share .

  14. 对具体部门的领导力分析和提升方法进行了很好的研究,为其他企业进行领导力的研究提供了可以借鉴的经验和思路。

    Analysis and enhance leadership methods are well studied . It can provide experience and ideas of leadership study of other enterprises .

  15. 对具体公司的领导力的提升方法进行了系统分析和总结,为其他企业进行领导力的开发、提升提供了可资借鉴的经验和思路。

    It analyses and summaries the methods of promoting the leadership , also offers some more valuable experience and inspiration for training the leadership in other enterprises .

  16. 试论现代企业领导者的领导力

    Exploratory study of the leadership capability of a modern enterprise leader

  17. 组织变革、企业文化与领导力的关系研究

    Research on Relationship between Organizational Change , Corporate Culture and Leadership

  18. 企业管理人员领导力发展研究

    The Study on Managers ' Leadership Development in Business Organization

  19. 管理全球化企业需要全球领导力。

    The globalization of management needs global leadership .

  20. 她指出,这个讨论会要解决家族企业决策与领导力方面的难题。

    She says the conference addresses the hard issues that surround decision-making and leadership in family enterprises .

  21. 而要想避免这样的错误,企业需要在领导力的配置上寻求左脑型和右脑型的平衡。

    To avoid such mistake , enterprise should try to keep the balance in left brain type and right brain type while collocating the leadership .

  22. 但是从国内多家咨询机构和媒体了解到,国内企业在实施领导力开发的效果并不显著。

    However , we know from many consultation institutions and the media that effects of implementing leadership development in domestic enterprises are not yet outstanding .

  23. 然而在我国,帮助和指导领导者有效实施战略方面的研究不多见,特别是有关企业战略实施领导力的论述更是缺乏。

    However , in our country , there are rare researches on guidance to the effective strategic execution for leaders , particularly in relation to the leadership of corporation strategic execution .

  24. 这是广义上针对企业各个层次的领导力。

    That 's the broad concept of leadership on every level .

  25. 而企业则更看重领导力、组织力、团队合作力、倾听及指导能力。

    Companies are looking for leadership , organizational , teamwork , listening , and coaching skills .

  26. 其次,本文选择了一个基于企业全球化的全球领导力视角进行研究,将企业全球化与全球领导力的相互作用在理论的高度进行综合和提升。

    Secondly , it chooses a unique perspective based on the globalization of enterprises to study the global leadership .

  27. 然而遗憾的是,根据有关咨询公司的调查:目前中国企业的管理人员领导力水平无论是与西方发达国家的企业还是亚洲其他国家的企业相比,都有着明显的距离。

    However , some surveys indicate that the Chinese enterprises have a big gap between other business organizations either in the western developed countries or in other Asian countries , in terms of the manager 's leadership level .

  28. 本文将结合目前行为科学领域对领导力的研究成果和笔者在领导力发展方面的企业实践,对企业管理人员的领导力资质发展模型的构成和应用进行研究。

    This thesis shows the research results on the construction of leadership development model and its applications , which are come from the studies on behavioral science theory and the author 's business practice .

  29. 在当今竞争极其激烈的时代,企业要想立于不败之地,获得持续健康的发展,企业领导力的提升是关键。

    Under the age of fierce competition today , every enterprise try to remain invincible and develop their business persistently and healthily . The promoting of enterprise leadership is the key factor .

  30. 可见人才战略在企业战略中的重要地位,而在人才战略中,最关键的是管理者的领导力,因此提升企业管理者的领导力成为企业战略中的重要任务。

    Therefore , the important position of talent strategy in enterprise strategy can be proved . And among talent strategy , the most crucial is very leadership of management . Thus , improve enterprise leadership of the management has become an important task of enterprise strategy .