
  1. 预防控制艾滋病性病社区健康教育模式研究&四川省内江市城区示范社区组织运作参与模式

    Study on Community Health Education Models for AIDS / STD Prevention and Control

  2. 实施示范社区卫生服务中心的做法

    Practice of conducting whole sample community health service centre

  3. 整合先进的管理理念和策略可持续发展示范社区卫生服务中心建设

    Theory and Strategy of Management for the establishment of Demonstration Community Health Service Center

  4. 天津市农村某示范社区15岁以上居民高血压患病情况及其危险因素

    Hypertension and Risk Factors in Residents over 15 Years Old in A Rural Demonstration Community of Tianjin City

  5. 结论先进的管理信念和策略可为示范社区卫生服务的发展壮大提供新的机遇和挑战。

    Conclusions Scientific management and advanced strategy bring chance and challenge to the development of demonstration community health service center .

  6. 示范社区2007年访视率93%,2008年98%,2009年97%。

    In 2007 , the visit rate of model community was 93 % , 98 % in 2008,97 % in 2009 .

  7. 老君山综合生态系统管理示范区社区居民环境意识现状调查研究

    Investigation of Environmental Consciousness of Villagers in Comprehensive Ecological System Management Demonstration Area of Laojun Mountain

  8. 结论示范点社区居民高血压患病率高、超重与肥胖、吸烟、饮酒及缺乏体育锻炼的现状已经对其健康构成威胁。

    Conclusions The high prevalence of hypertension , overweight , obesity , smoking and alcohol drinking and lack of exercises have posed a threat to population health in the exampling community .

  9. 因此通过营造完善的政策和制度环境;优化推进先进文化发展示范作用的社区文化环境;

    The government should promote the development of the advanced culture by perfecting the policy and system environment , optimizing the cultural circumstance of the community and cultivating the network and innovation conditions .

  10. 结果中医药服务示范点占全市社区卫生服务中心总数的14.54%,中医药服务量占总服务量的25.98%;

    Results The percent of demonstration units of TCM in Shanghai ′ s whole community centers was14.54 % ; the percent of total service amount of TCM in the whole was25.98 % ;

  11. 奥运场馆周边农区鼠害综合防治技术示范推广老君山综合生态系统管理示范区社区居民环境意识现状调查研究

    Rodent Pest Control and Comprehensive Prevention in Rural Areas Surrounding Olympic Venues Investigation of Environmental Consciousness of Villagers in Comprehensive Ecological System Management Demonstration Area of Laojun Mountain