
  1. OPC技术在智能建筑弱电系统集成中的应用

    Application of OPC Technology to Information Integration of Intelligent Building

  2. 给出了OPC技术在智能建筑弱电系统集成中的应用工程实例,结果表明,OPC技术大大提高了建筑物管理系统的开放性和灵活性,可以有效地解决多厂商设备及软件系统的集成问题。

    An example of application of OPC technology to the information integration of intelligent building is presented . The results show that flexibility and incompatibility of the system , etc. have been greatly improved .

  3. 浅谈建筑弱电安装工程监理要点

    Talking about Main Supervising Points of Building 's Weak Current Erection Work

  4. 智能建筑弱电项目管理的思考

    Considerations on project management of weak current of intelligent building

  5. 某超高层建筑弱电设计简介

    Introduction to the Design of Ultra-low Current System for the Super High-rise Building

  6. 关于智能建筑弱电系统集成的探讨

    Discussion about Weak Current System Integration of Intelligent Building

  7. 阐述了智能建筑弱电技术与智能建筑的关系;

    And formulates the relation Intelligent Building Weak Power Technology with the Intelligent Building .

  8. 现代大型公共建筑弱电机房空调设计简述

    Brief introduction of air-conditioning design in weak current equipment room of modern large-scale public buildings

  9. 简要介绍了建筑弱电安装工程的监理要点。

    This paper briefly introduces the main supervising points of buildings weak current erection work .

  10. 指出该系统是智能建筑弱电系统工程的重要系统。

    The author further emphasizes that the system is the important system for intelligent architecture light current system projects .

  11. 浅谈智能建筑弱电设计方案与综合布线应用中存在的问题

    On the Weak Current Design Scheme of Intelligent Architecture and Some Problems in the Applications of Premises Distribution System

  12. 尝试以过程分析的方式介入对象,为智能建筑弱电维护领域运营管理作一些试探性的研究和总结。

    The author tried to make some tentative study and summary on operation of intelligent building industry by analyzing the operation process .

  13. 本公司是一家专业生产智能建筑弱电电线的企业,并拥有几十台先进的生产和检测设备。

    The Company is a professional manufacturer of intelligent building wiring weak enterprises , and has dozens of advanced production and testing equipment .

  14. 本文就智能化建筑弱电工程的实施、工程项目管理的重点、弱电工程的质量控制进行分析与探讨。

    In this article , Intelligent Building of weak implementation of the project , the focus of project management , weak quality control of engineering analysis and discussion .

  15. 反映了作者对智能建筑弱电技术研究的部分成果,简述了智能建筑弱电技术的主要技术内涵。

    This text reflects the author part of result of research of the Intelligent Building Weak Power Technology . And formulates main connotation of Intelligent Building Weak Power Technology .

  16. 介绍电磁兼容涉及的学科内容、电磁兼容技术标准制定及认证工作的现状,着重论述了智能建筑弱电系统工程设计中的电磁兼容性问题。

    This paper discusses on each weak electronic system and wiring of the intelligent residential system , and puts forward some principles of matters needing attention in the design of the system .

  17. 近年来,随着高新技术的迅猛发展,人们对生活和工作环境的要求日益提高,智能建筑弱电系统集成在智能建筑工程中的应用也越来越多。

    With the rapid development of high-tech in recent years , people request more to living and working environment day by day , intelligent building light current system integration have been applied into intelligent building engineering more and more .

  18. 并针对智能建筑弱电系统集成中数据通讯量大、数据结构多样、系统实时性要求较高等特点,研究了优化楼宇管理系统软件的方法。

    And aiming at the characteristics of the higher data communication rate , the multiplicity of data structure and higher requirement of system real time in the intelligent building light current system integration , this paper research the method of optimizing the building management system software .

  19. 基于此方法,本课题设计并开发了集成管理系统IB-MCS来对智能建筑内弱电系统的信息进行综合有效的管理,以便更好地为建筑使用者提供真正舒适、安全、高效、便捷的居住环境。

    Based on the method mentioned above , the subject designs and develops IB-MCS to manage the intelligent efficiently and comprehensively in order to build a comfortable , safe , efficient and convenient housing environment for users .

  20. 高层智能建筑及其弱电系统防雷研究

    Research on Lighting Protection of Weak Current System in High Building

  21. 智能建筑的弱电系统集成技术是智能建筑发展最重要的技术之一。

    The integration technology of Electric Low Voltage System ( ELVS ) of intelligent building is one of the most important technologies in the development of intelligent building .

  22. 歌舞厅扩声设计属于建筑和弱电工程系统范畴,由建筑声学设计,扩声系统设计,系统搭建和调试三大块内容组成,三者紧密联系、相辅相承、协同合共。

    It consists of the architecture acoustics design , the sound reinforcement design , the system building and the system adjustment . These three sections attach closely to each other and cooperate together .

  23. 智能建筑中的各类弱电系统涉及实时过程控制、多媒体服务、财务管理等不同类型、不同用途的数据库技术。

    Systems of intelligent building concern different kinds of databases such as real time process controlling , multimedia service and financial affairs management .