
  • 网络Construction Mechanization
  1. 《建筑机械化》杂志101~200期重点文章回顾

    Looking back of important articles during 101 to 200 issues of Construction Mechanization magazine

  2. 《建筑机械化》杂志2005年总目次

    Annual contents of Construction machanization magazine in 2005

  3. 建筑机械化运输环节的研究

    Research on the transport link in constrution mechanization

  4. 塔式起重机是现代工业与民用建筑机械化、装配化中不可缺少的主要施工机械。

    The tower crane is a kind of main construction machine in the mechanization and assemblage of modern industry and civil architecture .

  5. 建筑机械标准化工作发展回顾

    Review the Development of construction Machinery Standardization

  6. 钢结构建筑的机械化施工

    Construction Mechanization for Steel Structure Buildings

  7. 建筑是机械化产品;

    Architecture is mechanical product .

  8. 砖混住宅建筑的机械化施工砖混结构房屋抗震加固设计的几个问题

    Mechanization of Brick - concrete Housing Problems in Seismo - anti Strengthen Structure Design of Brick - Concrete Structured Buildings

  9. 随着建筑业机械化施工能力的提高,适合多台塔机在同一工地交叉安装使用的平头塔式起重机的优势越来越得到认可,其需求量也不断提高。

    With the improvement of mechanization of the construction industry , the advantage of flat-top crane in the working process of group towers at the same site is recognized more and more . The demands for amounts of flat-top tower cranes are raised .

  10. 中联重科说,销售额上升原因在于购买者升级旧设备、小城市需求增长,以及随着劳动力成本上升,建筑施工的机械化程度加深。

    Zoomlion said the increased sales were due to buyers upgrading old equipment , increased demand from smaller cities and the rising mechanization of construction as labor costs rise .

  11. 迟至本世纪廾年代日本建筑业才开始机械化,但现在其施工技术在发达国家中名列前矛。

    Building industry of Japan began to be mechanized as late as 1920s , but now its building technique is at the head of developed countries .

  12. 建筑企业钢结构安全管理信息系统经云南省建筑机械化施工公司调试,可以投入运行。

    Enterprise in charge of construction project safe the management information system debug by Yunnan Province building mechanized construction company , can put into operation .