
  1. 最后,在上述理论方法研究的基础上,研究开发了农产品市场行情信息的提取与知识发现系统。

    Finally , based of the study of theory and methods , a system that retrieving the information and mining knowledge from agriculture product price has already developed .

  2. 基于互联网的市场行情可视化信息系统

    Internet Based Visual Information System of Market Quotation

  3. RobertHalf的年度薪资指导给出了几种行业以及不同市场行情下的底薪信息。

    Robert Half 's annual Salary Guides provide information on starting salaries for several industries and markets .

  4. 提出了基于Internet的空间数据和非空间数据分布存储的空间数据仓库模型,并将其与数据挖掘技术相结合,开发了基于Internet的农产品市场行情时空演变可视化信息系统。

    This paper proposes a model of spatial data warehousing based on Internet and distributive storage of spatial data and non-spatial data . The model combined with data mining technology , a visual information system of time-space evolution of the agriculture products market is developed .

  5. 同时将国内的市场行情和供应商的信息介绍到世界。

    At the same time it can introduce the domestic market quotation and supplier information to the world .

  6. 他还说:现在中国的排放交易市场还无法提供行情信息,但市场要想成熟,市场参与者就需要了解供需的基本面。

    Right now the emissions trading markets in China are not able to supply that information but for them to achieve maturity , market participants need to know the fundamentals of supply and demand , he adds .