
  • 网络marketization
  1. 我国自2001年加入WTO,金融开放程度不断提高,利率市场化进程稳步推进。

    Our country accessed to the WTO in 2001 , the financial openness continues to improving , interest rate marketization steadily .

  2. 发展农民合作组织是推进农村市场化进程、应对WTO挑战的有效途径。

    Developing rural cooperative organizations is an effective way to promote marketization in the rural areas and to cope with the challenges posed by the WTO .

  3. DSP推进下的生物特征识别市场化进程

    Commercialization of Biometric Identification Tech-nology Driven by DSPs

  4. 加入WTO与我国农业市场化进程中的制度创新

    China 's Accession to the WTO and System Innovation in the Process of Agricultural Market Economy

  5. 如果说国家人事制度改革是自上而下推动国企HR变革,那么市场化进程的加快就是自下而上的催化因素。

    HR reform of state-owned companies is initiated by national personnel system reform and catalyzed by marketing process .

  6. 江苏省由于其中小企业发展实力较强,市场化进程较快和科技投入水平较高,因此FDI的技术外溢效应较强。

    Jiangsu owns the stronger SMEs , the quicker market advancement and the higher technology input lever . Therefore , the function of FDI is more .

  7. 当然,决定FDI的因素主要是经济市场化进程和经济发展水平,环境规制严格化对FDI流入的影响较小。

    Of course , the determinative factors in FDI are the course of economic marketization and economic development level , and stringently environmental regulations have an unimportant effect comparatively .

  8. 针对这一情况,基于主动网络技术提出一种可编程移动IP网络,该网络体系结构可以快速创建和部署新的移动IP服务和协议,这样的网络结构大大加快了移动应用服务的市场化进程。

    In order to solve this prob-lem , an architecture of programmable Mobile IP based on active networking technology are proposed . The proposed architecture is able to accelerate service creation and deployment in mobile networks .

  9. 随着我国改革开放事业不断深入发展,市场化进程不断推进,世界经济一体化的趋势越来越明显,FDI一直在持续大量流入我国。

    Along with our country reform and open policy push forward , the marketization process constantly improve , the trend of the world economic integration is more and more obvious , FDI has continued to inflow our country largely .

  10. 但是,伴随着我国参加WTO之后,国内市场化进程不断加剧,再加上国外塑编企业所拥有的技术、管理和人力资源优势,我国塑编行业正面临着前所未有的巨大挑战。

    But , along with our country to participate in the WTO , the domestic market process constantly aggravate , plus foreign plastic woven enterprise have technology , management and human resources advantages , plastic woven industry in our country is exist the unprecedented challenge .

  11. 本文借鉴Wurgler(2000)的资本配置效率估算模型,研究我国市场化进程对资本配置效率的影响。

    This article studied the influence of marketization on capital allocation efficiency based on Wurgler ( 2000 ) model .

  12. 市场化进程中的制度相容

    Co-Existence of Systems in the Process of Moving towards Market Economy

  13. 简评中国著作权制度发展的市场化进程

    Briefly on the Commercial Course of China 's Copyright System Development

  14. 农业市场化进程中亟需研究解决的几个问题

    Several problems Requiring Hastening Resolution in the Process of Agricultural Marketization

  15. 利率市场化进程中的风险控制与防范

    How to Control the Risk in the Process of Interest Rate Liberalization

  16. 市场化进程对经济增长的推动作用&典型事实与定性解释

    Market-orientation Process Boosting the Economic Growth : Typical Facts and Qualitative Explanations

  17. 中国国有饭店:市场化进程与战略调整

    China 's State-Owned Hotels : Market-Oriented Change Course and Strategy for Adjustment

  18. 在我国市场化进程中,地区经济的发展是极其不平衡的。

    The development of regional economy in our country is radically uneven .

  19. 政府主导下的体育市场化进程分析

    Analysis on the Process of the Government-Oriented Sport Market Formation

  20. 推进我国利率市场化进程及其相关措施

    Pushing forward the Our Country Interest Rate Market and Its Related Measures

  21. 市场化进程中的国有商业银行效率问题研究

    Research on the Efficiency of the State-owned Commercial Banks in the Market Process

  22. 市场化进程中的社会结构:横向化、层级化与失衡

    The Social Structure in the Marketization : Horizontal S , Stratification and Imbalance

  23. 非正规就业在市场化进程中的拓展

    The Development of Informal Employment in Marketization Expand Thinking

  24. 二是受市场化进程的体制起点的制约;

    The second is the starting point of the system of marketization process ;

  25. 市场化进程中政府角色经历了守夜人干预者混合型政府职能模式的变迁,随着经济的发展政府经济职能有不断拓展的趋势。

    With economic development , government 's economic function tends to continuous development .

  26. 物业管理招投标是物业管理市场化进程的关键。

    Property management bidding is essential to the process of property management market .

  27. 再生资源产业市场化进程与政府调控对策

    Marketization progress and governmental controls on recycling resources industry

  28. 随着市场化进程逐步地加快,邮政服务的垄断性经营已被打破,邮政速递业务面临着激烈的市场竞争。

    The business of postal express is facing fierce competition in the market .

  29. 中国农村市场化进程中的农民合作组织研究

    A Study of the Rural Cooperative Organizations in the Course of Marketization in China

  30. 论市场化进程中的腐败问题

    On Corruption Problems in the Process of Marketization