
  • 网络Marketing assistant;Market Assistant;Marketing Executive
  1. 在此之前,我在一家西班牙塑料公司做了四年的市场助理。

    Before this , I was Marketing Assistant for a Spanish plastics company for four years .

  2. 慢慢来。我肯定在做市场助理时你会获得足够的经验。

    I 'm sure you can get enough experience when you do as a market assistant .

  3. 杨百翰大学麦里特商学院的市场营销助理教授RyanElder表示:“声音基本被人们当做一种被遗忘的食物感觉。可如果人们能够更加专注于他们在吃东西时发出来的声音,那么这样做能够减少他们摄入的食物。”

    Sound is typically labeled as the forgotten food sense , " adds Ryan Elder , assistant professor of marketing at BYU 's Marriott School of Management . " But if people are more focused on the sound the food makes , it could reduce consumption . "

  4. 他就这样为了一个24岁的市场部助理离开了你。

    So he left you for a24-year-old marketing assistant with no hips .

  5. 密歇根大学市场学助理教授里克说,这样做往往会清除情绪的影响。

    That will tend to extinguish the influence of emotion .

  6. 对于美国佐治亚州立大学市场教授助理杰弗里帕克来说,餐厅菜单为测试顾客决策提供了极佳的条件。

    To Jeffrey Parker , an assistant professor of marketing at Georgia State University , the restaurant menu provides the perfect conditions for testing decision-making .

  7. 保罗特纳先生于1985年从英国约克郡大学毕业,取得市场营销助理学专业的学士学位。随后在伦敦,香港,东京等地工作过。

    Paul Turner obtained a BA degree of marketing assistant in the huddersfield , Yorkshire UK in1985.then he worked in the london , Hong Kong and tokyo .

  8. 其目的是鼓励这个人“加深考虑”。密歇根大学市场学助理教授里克说,这样做往往会清除情绪的影响。

    The goal is to encourage'heightened deliberations , 'says Scott Rick , an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Michigan . 'That will tend to extinguish the influence of emotion . '

  9. 进行这项研究的哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)市场营销学助理教授凯斯•威尔克斯(KeithWilcox)说,虽然我们在和朋友家人面对面时可能更谦逊,但我们却最想让这些人看到我们在网上经过了美化的状态更新。

    And while we 're more likely to be modest with our friends and family in person , these are the people we most want to see our enhanced updates online , says Keith Wilcox , assistant professor of marketing at Columbia Business School , who conducted the study .

  10. 凯利史密斯职位:市场营销学助理教授年龄:34岁学校:西北大学凯洛格商学院

    Kelly Goldsmith Title : Assistant Professor of Marketing Age : 34 School : Northwestern-Kellogg

  11. •职位:市场营销学助理教授

    • Title : Assistant Professor of marketing

  12. 哥伦比亚大学商学院市场营销学助理教授凯斯威尔克斯是这项研究的发起人之一。他解释说:因为自我感觉良好,所以你觉得理所当然。

    Keith Wilcox , assistant professor of marketing at Columbia Business School and co-author of the study , explains : You feel good about yourself so you feel a sense of entitlement .