
  1. 市场调查机构Childwise询问了一千多名英国家长关于他们学龄前子女使用新媒体产品的习惯。市场调查机构Childwise采访了一千多名五岁以下儿童的家长。

    More than a thousand parents of under-five-year-olds were interviewed by Childwise .

  2. 今年5月,市场调查机构欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的报告显示,功能和运动饮料在2013年的销量涨幅为4%,比起前一年的9%有所减少。

    In May , Euromonitor International reported that sales of energy and sports drinks grew in 2013 by 4 % , considerably slower than the 9 % growth the year before .

  3. 据市场调查机构IDC和CNG的最新报告显示,2014年上半年,中国的移动游戏用户人数较2013年上半年同期增长了89.5%,达到3.25亿人。

    According to a recent report by IDC and CNG , the number of mobile gamers in China in the first half of 2014 increased 89.5 % to 325 million over the first half of 2013 .

  4. 市场调查机构EuromonitorInternational的研究分析师AilsaGu表示,中国强劲的经济增长以及近年来股市的飙升吸引了许多此类本土企业试图通过上市来实现更快的扩张;

    Ailsa Gu , research analyst for market researcher Euromonitor International , says China 's robust economic growth and the craze over the stock market in recent years are what tempts many of these domestic companies to try listing for faster expansion .

  5. 市场调查机构NPDDisplaySearch称,全球平板电脑出货量今年一季度同比下降了4.6%。不过,报告撰写者也表示,平板电脑市场的利润率将有所提升,因为平板电脑的平均价格有望攀升。

    Worldwide tablet shipments dropped 4.6 % in the first quarter from a year ago , according to NPD DisplaySearch , though the report 's author says that pocket of the tech sector see improved profits as average prices are expected to climb .

  6. 市场调查机构尼尔森公司日前发布的一项调查结果显示,从全球范围来看,五分之一的消费者愿意整容,俄罗斯人最能接受整容的想法。

    One in five global consumers said they would consider having cosmetic surgery and Russians are most receptive to the idea , a survey by market researcher ACNielsen shows .

  7. 根据全球市场调查机构欧睿信息咨询公司的数据,韩国男性去年在皮肤护理上花费4.955亿美元,占全球男士护肤品销售额的近21%。

    South Korean men spent $ 495.5 million on skincare last year , accounting for nearly 21 percent of global sales , according to global market research firm Euromonitor International .

  8. 一份第三方市场调查机构的数据显示,总部设在深圳的华为科技公司在全球的市场份额已经上升到了9%,在国内的市场份额也超过了15%,连续6月在市场上处于领先地位。

    The market share of Shenzhen-based Huawei Technologies Company has risen to 9 percent globally and surpassed 15 percent in China , leading for six consecutive months , data from a third-party market consulting agency showed .

  9. 他们没有设立女性驱动的市场调查机构,没有计算富裕女性所占的比例,也没有一个营销计划来了解女性需求、为女性量身订做产品或服务、并以女性能理解的语言进行解释。

    They don 't have a female-driven market research function . They don 't calculate the share of affluent females . They don 't have a marketing program that says , I 'm going to understand your needs and configure products , and services to meet those needs , and explain them to you in language that you can understand .

  10. “神秘购物”是市场调查公司和监管机构的外部调查工具,也可以由公司作为内部调查使用,以衡量服务质量、是否遵守规则,或作收集产品和服务的特定信息之用。

    Mystery shopping is a tool used externally by market research companies , watchdog organizations , or internally by companies themselves to measure quality of service , or compliance1 with regulation , or to gather specific information about products and services .